
Max Read · 02/19/14 11:13AM

This Is America: Watch as Yet Another School Shooting (Literally) Interrupts Yet Another Conversation About Gun Control

Kate Bennert · 01/10/13 03:07PM

Vice President Joe Biden was scheduled to address the nation this afternoon about his meeting with NRA officials to discuss new gun control policies in this country—an initiative that President Obama asked him to oversee after last month's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. But before anyone could react, news broke of yet another school shooting. Fox News was practically mid-"Guns don't kill people; people kill people" when they cut away to break the news that a gunman at Taft High School in Kern County, California shot 2 people.

Are You Still Watching CNN? (Because Nobody Else Is)

Sergio Hernandez · 03/30/10 04:39PM

First-quarter Nielsen ratings are out, and everyone is talking about CNN's (continued) primetime ratings free-fall. While Fox News remains No. 1, MSNBC and CNN's sister network HLN are now regularly outperforming The Coop and his cohorts.

Blago's Book, Martha's New Approach, The End of Arena

cityfile · 03/03/09 11:44AM

• Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has landed a six-figure advance to write a book about "his rise and fall, and the dark side of politics." [LAT]
• CBS chief Les Moonves says he no longer has any plans to merge the company's news operations with Time Warner's CNN. [B&C]
Martha Stewart Living is "broadening its editorial focus" to "beauty, travel and fashion" in order to appeal to advertisers. [Mediaweek]
• Jane Velez-Mitchell's show on Headline News has been doing well. [NYT]
• The Philly Daily News will be folded into the Philadelphia Inquirer. [Gawker]
• Thomson Reuters is launching a new video-on-demand service. [NYT]
• Arena, the 22-year-old British men's style magazine, is no more. [WWD]

Giving The People What They Want

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/08 05:13PM

Semi-network CNN Headline News actually won the Tuesday night 6 p.m. cable ratings war with its "Nothing At All But Heath Ledger" programming strategy. Number two Fox News, which included only a woefully insufficient dash of Ledger, trailed by more than 25%. Headline News staffers also found it 75% harder than usual to wash the filth off upon returning home from work and showering for two hours. (Except, notably, the crew at Nancy Grace.) [TVNewser]

Media Bubble: Radio Sued the Radio Star

Jesse · 03/01/06 12:58PM

• CBS Radio sues Howard Stern for using their air to promote his new Sirius show. So why didn't they just kick him off the air back then? "I'm the one who kept you on the air and I knew I could sue you afterwards," Stern says Les Moonves told him, presumably with an enormous, blindingly white smile. [NYT]
Boston Globe in talks to print, distribute New York Post in Massachusetts. And finally New Englanders will have their hoped-for chance to play Post Poker. [BG]
• You know Nancy Grace, the crusading anchorwoman on CourtTV and Headline News? Yeah, well, she's kind of full of shit. [NYO]
• Bode Miller was Jim Kelly's second-worst cover decision, the Time editor, whose hindsight checks in at an amazing 20/15, tells Jon Friedman. [MW]
NYT's Elisabeth Bumiller to write Condi bio; NYT's Steven Weisman, Bumiller's hubby, to get kicked off State Department beat. Such are the compromises of married life. [NYO]