
Guy Robs Bank So He Can Get Health Care in Prison

Max Read · 06/20/11 08:37PM

James Verone, a 59-year-old former truck driver, was having serious medical problems that he couldn't afford to get checked out or treated. If only North Carolina had a free, state-run health-care system!, he thought. Then he realized it does: in prison.

Rand Paul: Universal Health Care Is Basically Slavery

Max Read · 05/11/11 11:48PM

Did you know that if you believe in universal health care, you believe in slavery? Well: It's true! Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said so during a Senate hearing today, and he is a doctor, so you'd better listen to him.

Jon Stewart Blasts Congress for Once Again Screwing Over 9/11 First Responders

Matt Cherette · 04/26/11 10:43PM

Many have credited Jon Stewart with helping to finally push the long overdue James Zadroga 9/11 Health And Compensation Law—which provides health care for afflicted first responders—through Congress. So when he heard about a seemingly unconscionable amendment to the bill that requires the government to make sure the heroes aren't terrorists before providing them benefits, Stewart was understandably angry. And on tonight's Daily Show, he let it be known.

Donald Trump's Whiny Liberal History Under Scrutiny

Jim Newell · 04/18/11 01:44PM

Gelatinous cartoon slumlord Donald Trump is facing some tough questions about his previous political positions in his pretend campaign for president. He's already won, really, if this promotional stunt to increase the ratings of Celebrity Apprentice is getting reporters to read whatever dumb book he wrote in 2000 to dig up his arbitrary political stances of the time.

The Shocking Treatment for Girl Who Can't Close Her Mouth

Brian Moylan · 04/05/11 11:22AM

The BBC show Bizarre ER featured a college student named Holly whose jaw got dislocated after a very vigorous yawn. While being stuck with your mouth agape is pretty horrifying, you'll never believe how doctors got it closed.

Comment of the Day: The Health Care Crisis Solved

Brian Moylan · 04/04/11 05:50PM

We know that given just about any problem, the wise commenters on this here website can probably solve it. Today, in response to the Republican idea to privatize Medicare, a few people went and solved the health care problem altogether. One solution? Magical thinking!

House Republicans' Official Proposal: Privatize Medicare

Jim Newell · 04/04/11 02:19PM

If anything will make it easier for House conservatives to back off on shutting down the government this week, it's the prospect of a different, and much larger fight over the federally funded social safety net. House Republicans are preparing to introduce a 10-year budget Tuesday that will eliminate Medicare and replace it with a private insurance system that closely resembles the new health care law, and end Medicaid as an entitlement program all together.

Congressman Fails Civility Test by Comparing Republicans to Nazis

Adrian Chen · 01/19/11 11:47PM

Ah, our new, super-civil politics. No longer will cross-hairs be threateningly wielded or presidents' birth certificates be questioned. Rejoice! Our national discourse now rises to the level of fragrant poetry. Except when a Democratic congressman compares Republicans to Nazis.

Everyone Wins in This Health Care Plan

Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/10 10:25AM

To entice donors to join a bone marrow registry, a company sent out "flirtatious models...who, for reasons that remain unclear, sometimes also wore electric-blue wigs." Then when dudes sign up, their insurance is billed $4,300. Now that's strategic. [NYT]