
TEST TEST TEST-ing A New Low At The Journal?

Moe · 08/19/08 04:57PM

Ha ha ha, the nation's second largest newspaper made an embarrassing basic tech fuckup! In an email to subscribers this afternoon, the Wall Street Journal included one of its signature market-moving stock market columns, published at 5:04 p.m. Wait, but they usually embargo "Heard On The Street" until morning! Well, it's pretty clear from the headline, "TEST TEST Duke Hits A Ditch," that the story wasn't quite ready for the proverbial prime time! But the subhead is clearly written: "The troubles at Duke are mounting. Is it too early to buy?" Did the Journal just send lucky subscribers a sneak preview of tomorrow's advice?Um, judging from this here chart, Duke's troubles started "mounting" awhile ago. But from what I hear of morale over at the Journal these days you could probably find another financial reporter willing to tip you off every day for about thirty grand. Just remember, cubs, you aren't allowed to profit off the confessional memoir when you do that so… probs better off just getting into crack.

abalk · 09/12/07 10:39AM

So the big rumor going around today about Rupert Murdoch's plans for the Wall Street Journal concerns a recent meeting with the paper's top brass, where Murdoch brought up the name of shiraz-swilling New York Post editor in chief Col Allan. Whether he was suggesting that Allan bring his particular blend of news judgment to the paper or merely using him as an example of proper practices (we're guessing the latter), it may be the best indication yet of the direction in which Murdoch plans to take the paper. Or maybe not, it's just a rumor! But try and tell us that you have a hard time actually believing it.

abalk · 09/11/07 02:10PM

Miniature megalomaniac Michael Wolff stopped by Wall Street Journal editor at large Paul Steiger's office yesterday, presumably for "research" on his Rupert Murdoch-approved Rupert Murdoch biography. Apparently he's a very snazzy dresser.

On The Line At 200 Liberty Street

abalk · 09/10/07 01:00PM

As promised, Rupert Murdoch's new minions at the Wall Street Journal picketed today, and by noon, they had attracted quite a crowd: as near as we could tell, a Daily News reporter, a reporter from South Korea—and our Intern Sheila.

abalk · 09/06/07 11:42AM

We hear that Rupert Murdoch made a late appearance at the Wall Street Journal offices on Tuesday afternoon, where he mingled with the top brass that he'll force out the door once he finishes killing off members of the editorial independence committee and gets a more pliable board. Other rumors: They're already working on an office for Rupert at WSJ headquarters. Also, Times of London editor Robert Thomson will stay in that position for at least another year and a half, which gives Managing Editor Marcus Brauchli plenty of time to line up a new gig.