
Annoying Literary Lovebirds Poll

Emily Gould · 01/11/07 05:10PM

For a long time, we've dreamt of a magazine called UnderCover, which would basically be Us Weekly but for literary "celebrities." The whole thing would be like "Jennifer Egan loses the baby weight!" and telephoto lens shots of Jonathan Franzen Safran Foer (admit it, you can't keep 'em all straight either) and Nicole Krauss's Park Slope manse. Sadly, the market could never sustain such a thing, but we figure the least we can do in order to keep the dream alive is to do a poll inspired by your response to our item about Heidi Julavitz yesterday. In it, we called Heidi and her dh, Ben Marcus, our "fourth least favorite literary power couple," and it got us to wondering: who's your fourth least favorite literary power couple? And while we're at it, who's your most least favorite l. p. c.? There is only one way to find out.

Heidi Julavits: There's So Much More To Me Than Sanctimonious Scolding

Emily Gould · 01/10/07 05:45PM

Heidi Julavitz is many things to many people: she's a prolific novelist, a teacher, a founding editor of the Believer, and, with Ben Marcus, one half of our fourth least favorite literary power couple (thisclose to being third, but Waldman really cancels out anything non-annoying about Chabon). She's also the author of the infamous Anti Snark Manifesto that heralded the Believer's first issue, a footnote-rich diatribe that took mean book reviewers to task and called for a new era of experimentation, unfettered by sniping critics. And in an interview with The Morning News, she reveals that she's worried that the "Manifesto" will be the only thing she's remembered for: