
Crazy Russian Daredevils Climb World's Second Tallest Building

Taylor Berman · 02/12/14 02:08PM

Here's something you should never watch if you're afraid of heights: A group of Russian daredevils filmed themselves climbing (and hanging from) the world's second highest building, the still under-construction Shanghai Tower. It's absolutely terrifying.

Russian Kids Cheat Death Atop Sky High Steel Beams

Matt Cherette · 11/10/10 01:01PM

In Soviet Russia... you film your friends scaling narrow steel beams—which are conveniently located 900 feet in the air—without any safety equipment. And then, if you don't die while doing so, you upload it to YouTube. Watch inside.

Is Antenna Climbing The Scariest Job Ever?

Richard Lawson · 09/15/10 12:13PM

Observe a pair of workmen climbing a 1768 ft. broadcasting tower to do repairs. Note that they do it all free-climbing style, without safety ropes or anything. Look alive, coal mining. You have a competitor in the Terrifying Jobs Contest.

Awesome 150ft Free Fall

Aman Ellis · 04/23/10 12:21PM

Check out this multiple angle view of a daredevil free falling 150 ft without safety gear. The only thing to break his fall is cardboard, which at about 120 mph, is not a comfortable landing.