
Herbert Muschamp Dead At 59

abalk · 10/03/07 11:27AM

Longtime New York Times architecture critic Herbert Muschamp has passed away at the age of 59. A memo to the paper's staff from Bill Keller and Sam Sifton was just released.

Muschamp on architectural critique

Gawker · 02/12/03 10:34AM

The editors of the Architectural Record and Metropolis believe architecture critic Herbert Muschamp's article slamming the Libeskind plan for the WTC wasn't even-handed. Muschamp's response: "I like conflict...I made my views on this very clear: One of the reasons it s great to write about architecture is that it promotes conflict."
Libeskind acolytes barrage the Times attacking Muschamp [Observer]

Muschamp's about-face on Libeskind

Gawker · 02/07/03 10:41AM

Felix Salmon points out that Herbert Muschamp's vitriol for the Libeskind plan was noticeably absent in December. From Muschamp's December 19 article: "If you are looking for the marvelous, here's where you will find it. Daniel Libeskind's project attains a perfect balance between aggression and desire... Mr. Libeskind has fashioned a new set of crystals, brilliantly faceted skyscrapers, forms that recreate the aspiration many architects felt when plate glass was new."
Muschamp on Libeskind [MemeFirst]

WTC plans: THINK vs. Libeskind

Gawker · 02/06/03 10:23AM

The NYT's Herbert Muschamp needlessly dichotomizes the WTC constituencies into hawks and dovesthe Libeskind plan being the obvious work of warmongers, and THINK a pacifist creation. Muschamp, clearly pro-THINK, writes of Libeskind, "why, after all, should a large piece of Manhattan be permanently dedicated to an artistic representation of enemy assault? It is an astonishingly tasteless idea. It has produced a predictably kitsch result."
Balancing reason and emotion in Twin Towers void [NYT]

Westin in Times Square

Gawker · 10/20/02 12:24PM

"A Latin Jolt to the New York Skyline: Say what you will about the new Westin Hotel in Times Square,...