

Hudson Hongo · 04/12/15 02:10PM

The Platonic Ideal of Horse Race Journalism

Hamilton Nolan · 04/06/15 12:03PM

As the 2016 presidential election draws closer, America's political press corps is warming up for what they do best: drone on about nothing of consequence.

The Private Email Spook Behind Hillary's Secret Spy Network

Sam Biddle · 03/31/15 03:30PM

Over the last week we've been writing about a series of deeply suspicious emails sent by former journalist and Clinton family adviser-fixer-creep Sidney Blumenthal. Blumenthal is well-known in political and media circles—but despite his apparent power, he's unknown outside of D.C. and New York. Let's get to know Hillary's private email spook, and his shadowy under-the-table intelligence operations.

Did Clinton's Backdoor Adviser Illegally Lobby for Putin Ally?

Sam Biddle · 03/30/15 10:25AM

Hillary Clinton says there is nothing to hide in her scandalous personal email account, now apparently half-deleted. But leaked emails from her longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal show that he and another former official from Bill Clinton's administration were secretly lobbying the secretary of state on behalf of a billionaire in the former Soviet state of Georgia who was seeking closer ties with Putin's Russia—seemingly in violation of a federal law designed to prevent foreign powers from covertly wielding influence within the United States.

Leaked Private Emails Reveal Ex-Clinton Aide's Secret Spy Network

Jeff Gerth and Sam Biddle · 03/27/15 02:49PM

Starting weeks before Islamic militants attacked the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, longtime Clinton family confidante Sidney Blumenthal supplied intelligence to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gathered by a secret network that included a former CIA clandestine service officer, according to hacked emails from Blumenthal's account.

How Unsafe Was Hillary Clinton's Secret Staff Email System?

Sam Biddle · 03/05/15 01:30PM

When Hillary Clinton ditched government email in favor of a secret, personal address, it wasn't just an affront to Obama's vaunted transparency agenda—security experts consulted by Gawker have laid out a litany of potential threats that may have exposed her email conversations to potential interception by hackers and foreign intelligence agencies.


J.K. Trotter · 03/04/15 11:53PM

So, Philippe Reines Sent Us an Email

J.K. Trotter · 03/04/15 01:30PM

Philippe Reines, the longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, sent Gawker a long note last night after a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, C.J. Ciaramella, emailed him about an article of ours concerning his and other Clinton staffers’ use of a private email accounts to conduct official State Department business. The entire exchange, including our response at the very bottom, can be found below. We’ll keep you posted if Reines writes back. (Update: Reines responded; see below).

Source: Top Clinton Aides Used Secret Email Accounts at State Dept.

J.K. Trotter · 03/03/15 05:43PM

Hillary Clinton is defending her use of a private email address, hosted at ClintonEmail.com, to conduct official State Department business by claiming that her emails were captured by official @state.gov accounts that other agency employees were instructed to use to contact her. But according to a knowledgeable source, at least two other top Clinton aides also used private email accounts to conduct government business—placing their official communications outside the scope of federal record-keeping regulations.

This Is Hillary Clinton’s Secret Email: HDR22@ClintonEmail.com

J.K. Trotter · 03/03/15 01:25PM

Former officials of the U.S. State Department are furiously denying suggestions that retired Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s extensive use of a private email address violated federal rules concerning the preservation of official government records. A FOIA request filed two years ago by Gawker, however, proves that Clinton—a likely contender for the Democratic presidential nominee—successfully used the off-the-books email account to conceal official correspondence from prying eyes. Ours.