
Self-Aggrandizing Bloomberg Will Win This Election For Hillary

Pareene · 02/08/08 12:31PM

Mike Bloomberg sez Hillary's got the nomination sewn up, implies that she can't beat McCain, and says ("jokingly") that "Hillary should pray [he] get[s] in the race." Uh... he might strip away some of McCain's independent support but does he really think a moderate New York mayor would draw more voters from the war-mongering war hero than the hawkish Dem Senator from New York? He'd be a Ron Paul whose supporters are all CEOs instead of angry internet nerds. [NYM]

Killer Tornadoes Attack Only Clinton Country

Pareene · 02/07/08 01:42PM

Gawker video guru Richard Blakeley MASHED-UP two of the New York Times' interactive newsmaps: one showing the deadly path of Tuesday's tornadoes, the other showing which Democratic candidates won which states on Super Tuesday. The results: does God hate Hillary? (And note: Obama won Alabama, but Hillary won each county in that state with a recorded death from Tuesday's storms.) Click to enlarge map. [NYT, NYT]

Oh, Hillary

Richard Lawson · 02/07/08 10:01AM

As we mentioned before, Hillary Clinton collaborated with US Weekly recently to do her own edition of Fashion Police, the feature where "hilarious" "comedians" make fun of celebs' awful outfits. Now the whole slide show is up! "This outfit isn't that bad; it's just an optical illusion," she says of one polka-dotted ensemble she sported in 1997. She even makes fun of her wedding dress! I don't know if I fully believe the self deprecation, but it mostly seems silly and kind of fun. Or maybe it's terrible. I can't tell anymore. [US Weekly]

mark · 02/06/08 07:32PM

Having long ago elected Barack Obama the President of Hollywood, how will the industry react to Hillary Clinton's win in California's Democratic primary? Disappointed kingmaker David Geffen, despite having prematurely predicted victory for Obama, is not yet abandoning ship, even if DreamWorks partner Steven Spielberg is stubbornly sticking out a passionless political marriage with Clinton. Indeed, maybe it's time Geffen starts thinking about his next move, like sitting down with Maureen Dowd for another one of those fun interviews before all of his friends start getting crazy ideas about jumping on the Hillary bandwagon. [Slate]

A Confused Sam Donaldson Chats With Perez Hilton

Pareene · 02/06/08 04:42PM

Popular internet gossip weblogger Mario "Perez" Hilton-Lavandeira 's late endorsement of Senator Hillary Clinton in the California primary might have been the deciding factor, according to venerable ABC journalist Sam Donaldson, who was trotted out by terrorists of some kind and forced to interview Lavandeira by phone, to his utter befuddlement. Donaldson explains that he knew Perez's grandfather Conrad, he wonders why there was "this hugely pregnant woman" on Ms. Hilton's internet site, then he promises to watch Perez Hilton's website every day. Buzz buzz! [ABCNews]

Chelsea Clinton's 'View' Outreach Successful

Pareene · 02/06/08 01:03PM

Big news on today's View. First: Joy threw a Super Tuesday party and everyone but Elisabeth showed up. Also: Chelsea Clinton personally called all of them (except Elisabeth) to ask that they please vote for her mother. And they all did, and then they talked about it on The View. Even Sherri! Jesus. Did anyone call Tyra? The Daytime Lady Primary wasn't lost with Oprah! [Jezebel]

The Racial Hate Behind Obama's Losses

Ryan Tate · 02/06/08 08:36AM

Barack Obama hit a wall with Latino and Asian voters last night, despite concerted efforts to court them and despite a surge of Obama support from whites. In California, his biggest loss of the night, white men overwhelmingly favored Obama over Clinton, according to exit polls, while Latinos voted against him 2:1 and Asians 3:1. In a state where Latinos and Asians were more than one-third of the voters, it was a tough blow, and one repeated in states like New Mexico and New York. It would be naive to blame minority-on-minority hate for all the Latino and Asian opposition to Barack Obama; after all, in California he ended up losing among whites, as well, thanks to strong Clinton support among women. But the stark political numbers make it much harder to deny the harsh reality and growing importance of anti-black racism among minorities, and should also be unsurprising to anyone who has closely followed American popular culture over the past two decades. Why we should have seen this coming, after the jump.

Matt Drudge Just Wants You To Know, Hillary Clinton Coughed Again

Nick Douglas · 02/06/08 01:08AM

The only two videos on Matt Drudge's YouTube account both feature Hillary Clinton having a coughing fit. Weird thing is, he used his account once last May to show her coughing at a commencement speech, then again today to show her hacking it up on TV. While the old video has actual footage, the new one is just a camcorder pointed at the TV, which would be déclassé even when copying last night's Family Guy. Both videos are below, if you share Drudge's Clinton-cough fetish.

The Dangerous Nut Vote: Where Hillary Stands

Pareene · 02/05/08 04:41PM

As Super Tuesday drags to a middle, it's worthwhile to look at the rising and occasionally falling fortunes of New York Senator Hillary Clinton, our next, cryingest president, among our nation's most unfortunately influential lunatic opinion-makers.

Hillary Will Make Fun of Own Self, Thanks

Sheila · 02/05/08 01:39PM

It's generally a great idea to make fun of yourself before someone else gets the chance (and inevitably, says something meaner). It's an even greater idea to inoculate yourself through self-deprecation when you're seen as a sort of political fembot with balls of steel... Hillary. Crying is a good first step. Making fun of your poorly-chosen outfits over the years in US Weekly? Even better.

Brooklyn Votes

Pareene · 02/05/08 12:06PM

As usual, a Carroll Gardens elementary school bake sale (and Super Tuesday polling place!) accurately and succinctly sums up the important decision facing our nation today. Brownie or blondie? Choose wisely, America. [Wonkette]

Meredith Vieira Asks Hillary Why She Insists On Losing

Pareene · 02/05/08 11:56AM

Earlier on Today, Matt Lauer lobbed a couple softballs at John McCain, then Meredith Vieira interviewed Hillary Clinton with some tough, contentious questions about why, precisely, the former first lady hadn't just locked this goddamn nomination up already. Because she's a liar? Then Matt Lauer had a genial chat with Barack Obama. LEAVE HILLARY ALONE!

50 Cent Says Obama May Die If You Don't Vote Hillary

Ryan Tate · 02/05/08 06:31AM

Hopefully you haven't voted yet, because Hillary Clinton just picked up a key endorsement from rapper 50 Cent, who notes that not only does he think "she could do a good job" but also that she won't go down in a hail of gunfire, killed by some redneck with an assault weapon. Bill O'Reilly sagely notes how far fetched this scenario is.

New York City Money

Nick Denton · 02/04/08 06:19PM

Fundrace's database of political contributions says less about political affiliation than it does about the distribution of wealth in New York. The heaviest concentrations of donors are on the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, and Wall Street. (Many executives give their work addresses when making political contributions.) But note a few neighborhood variations. Democratic candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama garner support from gayish neighborhoods such as Chelsea and the West Village, and bohemian-bourgeois Park Slope, in Brooklyn. It's a pity that Fundrace doesn't allow a search by candidate: Obama's Brooklyn support must be much more evident than Hillary's. Here's a bet: if Obama loses New York, we'll hear how the endorsements of the cultural elite, and the bohemian vote, actually cost him the election. (Click the thumb for detail of the map.)

Hillary Clinton

cityfile · 02/03/08 10:48PM

Current Secretary of State and former U.S. Senator from the Empire State, Hillary has nearly eclipsed ex-president husband Bill in the public sphere since service as his first lady from 1993-2000. Hillary grew up in Chicago, then headed off to Wellesley, where she did what any other prim, perfect child would do: she joined the Young Republicans club. Hillary's political views started to change during the Vietnam war, and shifted for good when she arrived at Yale Law School and met the smooth-talking charmer Bill Clinton, dating and then marrying him in 1975. When Bill sought the presidency in 1992, after years of serving as governor of Arkansas, Hillary hit the campaign trail alongside him. Despite a campaign dogged by scandal, Bill emerged victorious, and Hillary quickly established herself as one of the most vocal first ladies in history. When she wasn't battling her husband's personal scandals and accusations about her own professional improprieties, she spearheaded the administration's 1993 push for universal health care (which sank under its own weight in 1995) and was a leading advocate for women's rights around the world. In 1999, after New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan announced his plan to retire, Charlie Rangel talked Clinton into moving to New York and running for the seat. Clinton won the 2000 election, defeating her Republican challenger, Rick Lazio. Demonstrating canny bipartisanship in office and gaining even more public favor, she was re-elected to a second term in 2006 by a 30 percentage-point margin. In 2007, she announced her plans to run for the presidency. When Obama barely eked the Democratic nomination in 2008 and then won the presidential election, he announced that Clinton would serve a concessionary position as Secretary of State in his administration. She's since become the nation's most-traveled Secretary of State, and been accompanied by high public opinion, though she's stated she has no intentions of running again for president. In addition to her political work, Clinton has also published two books: 1996's It Takes a Village, about raising children in modern society, and 2003's memoir Living History. She and Bill have one daughter, Chelsea.

White People Shouldn't Vote Hillary, Since The Media Will Spin It As Racist, Says Media Spinmeister

Ryan Tate · 02/03/08 06:14PM

Walking omnimedia content factory Kurt Andersen gives Anglos "another reason" to vote for Barack Obama: if you vote for Hillary Clinton instead, the media will "unfair[ly]" count your vote as racist and "perception will be reality" and you will be part of "a depressing morning-after metric rather than a hopeful one." And Kurt Andersen would know: he's got the radio show Studio 360, a column in New York magazine, two books under his belt and an editor at large gig at Random House. Oh, and a blog where he predictably advises you to make personal decisions based on how the media might spin them. [Kurt Andersen]

Clinton Backer Slightly Overstates Case

Pareene · 02/01/08 03:23PM

This Obama mailer has greatly upset Clintonites, who feel (quite rightly) that it evokes that classic anti-Hillarycare ad "Harry and Louise" from way back in 1993. "It is as outrageous," said Len Nichols, head of the New America foundation and former Clinton White House employee, "as having Nazis march through Skokie, Illinois." [HuffPo]

If Hillary Clinton ran the banks

Jordan Golson · 02/01/08 12:53PM

Hillary Clinton at last night's debate: "I want a moratorium on foreclosure for 90 days and I want to freeze interest rates for 5 years."

Ah, socialism. Why not put a moratorium on people paying their mortgages? That seems easier.