
The Trolls, the Political Operative, and the Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Pro-Bernie Facebook Groups

Brendan O'Connor · 04/26/16 03:15PM

Last night, a number of Facebook groups organized by Bernie Sanders supporters were briefly (and somewhat mysteriously) suspended, prompting suspicion that the Hillary Clinton-allied super PAC Correct the Record, which last week announced a $1 million anti-troll effort called “Barrier Breakers” had gone on the offensive. Facebook attributed the suspension to an automated policy gone awry.

Meet Hillary Clinton's "Greatest Influence" on Military Issues, a Fox News Pundit Who Makes Money From War

Andy Cush · 04/22/16 04:15PM

A profile of Hillary Clinton in the latest issue of the New York Times Magazine makes the case, convincingly, that the Democratic frontrunner is the most hawkish candidate in the race, from her upbringing as the daughter of a Navy training officer to her disagreements, as secretary of state, with President Obama over use of force. The piece outlines her relationships with several powerful current and former members of the military, and notes that the “single greatest influence” on her thinking about the military is a retired George W. Bush-era four-star general named Jack Keane.

Hillary Clinton Just Won New York

Ashley Feinberg · 04/19/16 08:44PM

After nearly a month of losses, Hillary Clinton can finally claim another victory, this time in her home state of New York.

The Gawker Endorsement: None of Them

Alex Pareene · 04/19/16 09:36AM

For the first time in the modern primary era, the New York presidential primary election, happening today, is actually important in the races for both the Republican and Democratic nominations. For the conscientious citizen, this is lousy news. You can no longer engage in the beloved New York tradition of just writing in Howard Stern, confident that your vote wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

Unchaperoned Bill Clinton Loves Jokes: 'Shoot Every Third Person on Wall Street'

Melissa Cronin · 04/16/16 09:25AM

Bill Clinton is still, somehow, allowed to speak at important public events, and he’s certainly making the most of it. The former president and now first-man-in-training took that privilege to a whole new level this week, giving his thoughts on the rival of his wife, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.