Whole Foods Bowery 2007: Live Reportage
Josh · 03/29/07 08:03AMAs anyone who eats and/or lives below 14th street knows, today at 8:00 a.m. the Whole Foods Bowery will throw open its doors to the unwashed masses desirous of fresh produce and hoity-toity foodstuffs in aisles stretching toward infinity. Many predict a foodie riot when the doors open, as residents who have waited years, YEARS, for the opening clamor for a taste . I'm suiting up in my flak vest, and yuppie fatigues to check out the scene. Expect live updates via Blackberry, (stk is sld out, womn gves birth! LOL) after the jump!
McKibben Lofts Mysteriously Migrate, Hipsters Lose Netflix In Tragic Aftermath
Josh · 03/26/07 01:25PM
The two loft buildings on McKibben street—in the lands between the Morgan and Montrose L stops—rise like beacons of Manhattan developers' real plans for the wilderness of Brooklyn. But now this site, where the hipsters frolic in American Apparel and party until dawn appears, has strangely been uprooted, leaving many of its inhabitants confused.