
Two Years Later, Occupy Is Gone, But We'll Always Have Hipster Cop

Adrian Chen · 09/16/13 11:26AM

Tomorrow is September 17th, the second anniversary of the start of the Occupy Wall Street protests in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park. A number of new books and commentary pieces mark the lasting political impact movement. But we should also remember the Occupy memes that touched our lives. Above is an image posted by Carlos Mandelbaum on Facebook, emblazoned with NYPD detective Rick Lee who rose to prominence as "Hipster Cop" after he was spotted hanging around around Zuccotti park incongruously dressed as a menswear blogger.

Is Andy Samberg the Hipster Cop in Brooklyn Nine-Nine?

Maggie Lange · 05/15/13 09:45AM

Andy Samberg, goofball extraordinaire and winsome crooner, is playing a cop in a new Fox show out this fall called Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Do not fear—he will not attempt to play the grizzled, tough talking, late-hours-keeping cop of your normal television drama. It's a comedy! Samberg plays a police officer steeped in lackadaisical attitudes and a particularly hip/ironic dress code (leather jacket, "secret tie"). With a propensity to goof and a priority for dressing in his own styles, Samberg seems to be channeling the infamously dapper Hipster Cop.

The Best Instant Celebrities of 2011

Adrian Chen · 12/28/11 02:00PM

2011 was a great year for instafame. With cameras and Twitter users providing blanket coverage of each big news story, the whole world became a potential micro-celebrity. Let's take some time to remember 2011's best flash-in-the-pan celebrities, and then forget about them, forever.