
Hipster Handbook

Gawker · 04/06/03 12:08PM

The NYT has discovered The Hipster Handbook and the post-PostMo Williamsburg population that no longer acknowledges its existence. (I think the original appeared in Free Williamsburg three years ago.) Says one resident: "Nobody uses the word ['hipster']. Asking somebody if they're a hipster is kind of like asking somebody if they're bourgeois, and of course they're like, 'No, no, I'm not bourgeois.'"
Hip young things see no need for a new guide to the hip [NYT]

Underground Literary Alliance

Gawker · 02/10/03 12:52PM

The gory details of the book nerd fight reported by Page Six are posted at the Underground Literary Alliance's website. As we learn from the wonderful and frighteningly accurate Hipster Handbook (recommended reading for anyone within a 30-square-mile radius of Williamsburg or the LES), these people are "Polits"a combination of political activists and would-be literary types. (Question: "Are you a hipster?" Answer: "Shut up, fascist!") One of the Polits, Tom Beller, also known as "Parker Posey's boyfriend," picked a fight with a 5'2" camerawoman who was defended by Chris Zappone and Michael Jackman, who had just been asked to leave after ridiculing New Yorker/McSweeney's writer Ben Greenman's story about a tree, which was apparently not "transgressive" enough for their tastes. Read the [unintentionally?] hysterical account at the ULA's website.
The incident at housing works [ULA website]