
Getting To The Bottom Of The Fuck Yeah Ethos

heatherfug ยท 08/27/07 06:07PM

We were curious about the Fuck Yeah Fest the second we heard of it, imagining an orgy of hipsters joyously screaming โ€” a la Team America's famous anthem โ€” their blue approval of everything from skinny jeans on dudes (FUCK YEAH!) to t-shirts with ironic slogans about how stupid t-shirts with ironic slogans are (FUCK YEAH!). So Defamer videographer Molly McAleer vowed to get to the bottom of the Fuck Yeah ethos, and here's what she found: a disconsolate fanboy crushed that he didn't get a warm embrace by the band leader he is stalking traveled hours to see, and two dudes discussing not only their feelings... but their feelings about Kathy Griffin. For an underground fest that allegedly makes Sunset Junction look like Wango Tango, that's pretty fucking disappointing, actually.