
Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/13 08:08AM

As fun as baseball cards were as a kid, reading about a group of grown men hungrily tearing through boxes of sports cards in search of a "hit" is rather bleak.

Mark Zuckerberg Is Killing Progressively Larger Animals

Ryan Tate · 09/27/11 08:06PM

It started, innocently enough, with a lobster. Then Mark Zuckerberg killed a chicken. By the time the Facebook CEO escalated to a pig and a goat — "he cut the goat's throat with a knife," a friend reported — the media took notice. But it was too late.

Mark Zuckerberg Is Now Killing Animals with His Bare Hands

Ryan Tate · 05/26/11 06:13PM

Mark Zuckerberg has begun personally slaying animals for food, part of a resolution to fully appreciate the meat he eats. The Facebook CEO's slaughter has been wide ranging, claiming a goat, pig, chicken and a lobster.

Stephen Colbert Tries to Get a Hobby, Fails

Sarah Prial · 11/02/10 01:46PM

Last night, believing that fear is truly dead, Stephen Colbert welcomed viewers into his "Hobby Hovel" to build birdhouses. All was going swimmingly until he brought out the sparkles. After daintily tossing sparkles in his birdhouse, Colbert cracked.

The Fastest Radio Flyer Wagon You'll (Probably) Ever See

Jeff Neumann · 10/12/10 05:58AM

Fred Keller and Judy Foster of Wasilla, Alaska converted their 1976 Mazda pickup truck into a giant Radio Flyer wagon. It took 11 months to build. Keller says, "you kind of get the sensation of driving a sports car." [AP, video]

Obama Turns Ordinary Man into Celebrity Magnet

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/10 02:28PM

Tom was just like you: an ordinary schmoe from Jersey, with a kid and a job in banking and a pronounced inability to attract celebrities into his general vicinity. Until one day when he met Barack Obama, became magnetized, and proceeded to attract celebrities, in much the same way a magnet attracts metal. Moments ago, Tom sent out this lengthy press release, informing the world of his strange and wondrous saga of celebrity attraction. We want you to read it all. It is just that important.

The Wild Side of Hon. Jed S. Rakoff

cityfile · 01/05/10 02:33PM

Manhattan federal judge Jed Rakoff has been nicknamed "Judge Dread" on Wall Street for his efforts to hold banks and financial execs accountable for their actions. (He's currently overseeing the case against Bank of America, which is accused of misleading investors regarding bonus payouts, and he's also presiding over the trial of Raj Rajaratnam, the hedgie charged with insider trading.) So how does Rakoff blow off steam when he isn't taking on big banks and crooked execs? He engages in a little ballroom dancing, that's what. [BusinessInsider]

The Frequent Flyer Obsessed Put Other Obsessives to Shame

Mike Byhoff · 12/08/09 12:14PM

Think of any hobby and someone is probably obsessed with it. For documentaries, the more esoteric, the more intriguing. Well there is a bloc of people obsessed with accumulating frequent flyer miles. And it makes for a mesmerizing documentary short.

You Are Now a Birdwatcher

Hamilton Nolan · 07/16/09 11:12AM

"A federal study indicates one of every five U.S. citizens was involved in birdwatching during 2006, contributing $36 billion to the nation's economy," says the UPI. Oh yea? Bullshit. Saw a bird, maybe.