
The Only Guide You Need for Last-Minute Shopping

Caity Weaver · 12/19/12 07:13PM

There's less than a week left until Christmas. Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? No? Cool, you sound like a mature adult, navigating your sleigh through the holiday fog with ease.

5 Tips For Hosting Your Own Holiday Party

Studio@Gawker · 12/08/11 11:59AM

Ah the homespun holiday party—that magical time of year when your crappy 6-floor walkup is transformed into a crappy 6-floor walkup covered in cheap twinkle lights and cardboard candy canes. Because you're inviting people into your home, and thus responsible for your guest's enjoyment (or, terrible, horrible time), hosting a party can cause of a host of problems.

5 Tips For Making Your Holiday Homecoming Bearable

Studio@Gawker · 11/23/11 03:59PM

Thanksgiving is a special time of year—a time when you gather with friends and loved ones, look the other way as your gluttonous Uncle George naps under the table, leave gooey-faced babies in the responsible paws of the family dog, and use any excuse to get out of the house.