Studios Give Up Crazy Residual-Adjustment Proposal, Show First SIgn They Might Not Be Nuts Enough To Blow Up Hollywood After All
mark · 10/16/07 03:09PM
Have the studios finally decided it's time to stomp out the flaming bag of crazy they've allowed to burn on the negotiating room floor throughout their contract talks with the WGA? In a statement posted to the AMPTP's website, they've announced that they're going to drop their plan to recoup their costs before mailing out the little green residuals envelopes that keep now-filthy-rich visionaries like Marc Cherry from starving to death while they dream up their lucrative hits. But for now they're holding their ground on the Guild's proposal to increase their home video residuals, pledging to fight to the death to protect the buggering their shrewd forebears gave the writers on that issue years ago.