SpongeBob SquarePants Detained by LAPD
Seth Abramovitch · 09/15/11 02:15AM
There have always been a few particularly bad apples amongst the never-ending parade of costumed ne'er-do-wells that loiter outside Hollywood's famed Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Past arrests have included that of a rampaging Chewbacca and a Spider-Man gone berserk. Now to those unseemly ranks we add yet another, for SpongeBob SquarePants was "questioned but not arrested" by LAPD officers on Tuesday after a "brief incident with two females."
Violent Jew-Hater to Make Film About Violent Jew
John Cook · 09/09/11 02:10PMMeet the Hollywood Hackers Coming For Your Nude Pics
Adrian Chen · 08/29/11 07:21PMAspiring Screenwriter's Screenplay Literally Blows Up
Adrian Chen · 08/12/11 04:54PMHollywood Premiere Canceled After 'Out of Control' Ravers Riot
Max Read · 07/27/11 10:19PMHow Bad Was NBC's Wonder Woman Pilot? That Bad
Seth Abramovitch · 07/21/11 08:23PMThe few who had seen the failed pilot for NBC's Wonder Woman — a proposed series about the DC Comics superheroine from Ally McBeal-creator David E. Kelley — said the network had laid a pterodactyl-sized egg. Campily, laughably terrible. Which didn't come as much of a surprise to anyone. All five networks had already passed once on the script, after all, and it took a regime change at NBC to finally get someone to crunch the numbers (numbers = breasts) and greenlight the thing. But then, all kinds of magic can come with casting, with direction, with post-production wizardry. "You never really know until it's off the page and on the screen!" - Some wise Hollywood person.
L.A. Anti-Gang Program Is Paragon of Tragic Absurdity
Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/11 04:20PM
The city of Los Angeles' "Summer Lights" program, which keeps public parks lit up at night in order to discourage gang violence, is having... mixed results. "A 15-year-old girl was shot in the back and a 19-year-old man was shot in the hand [in an apparent gang shooting] as they were leaving a Summer Night Lights event" this morning. Oh. God. It's just too much. It's like some horrible, horrible movie. "A man was shot in the face near a South Los Angeles park after the lights were turned out last week. It provided all-too-real drama for actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena, who were on scene at the time while on a police ride-along to prepare for an upcoming movie."
Russia, Ukraine and South Korea Drop the Title Captain America
Seth Abramovitch · 07/06/11 12:50AM
Paramount and Marvel Studios have a bit of a marketing challenge on their hands with their upcoming Captain America: The First Avenger. Namely, how do you sell a pro-U.S.A superhero movie to the many regions of the globe that can't stand us? Their solution was to play it safe, and release the film in all foreign markets as just "The First Avenger."
Film School: Still for Suckers
Hamilton Nolan · 07/05/11 12:18PM
Film school is the journalism school of people who can't write. It's a place where kids with vague dreams of "making projects" go to chill out for a few years and learn that you should never call a "film" a "movie." Then they come out and get a shitty job for little money that pays them purely in proximity to power.
Transformers 3 Already Breaking Box Office Records
Seth Abramovitch · 07/01/11 02:25AMThe Quentin Tarantino Toe-Sucking Sex Email That Will Haunt Your Dreams
Maureen O'Connor · 06/28/11 06:15PM
A young woman who works in show business emailed 15 friends last week with a tale about meeting director Quentin Tarantino at a party. She made out with him, took sexy pictures in a photo booth, and watched him whip out his "short," "fat," "nub-like" penis. She then had foot fetish quasi-sex with him, she claims.
America's Idea of 'Ultimate Fitness System' Is Videogames, Fidgeting
Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/11 05:10PMMore Evidence That Nikki Finke Is an Absolute Joy to Work With
John Cook · 06/15/11 10:32AMThe Schwarzenegger Love Child Scandal Has Arrived
Jeff Neumann · 05/17/11 05:19AMStar of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Dana Wynter, Dies
Jeff Neumann · 05/09/11 04:04AM'Gyrating Seats' Offer a New Way to Feel Nauseous At the Movies
Adrian Chen · 05/06/11 09:10AMIf you thought 3-D was the last frontier in making people feel queasy during summer blockbusters, guess again. The hot new movie-watching technology out of Hollywood are "gyrating seats."
Is Nikki Finke Losing It?
John Cook · 05/03/11 12:23PM
Elusive Hollywood rage-blogger Nikki Finke has a well-earned reputation for skirting the bounds of rationality and surrendering to fits of apoplexy. It's part of her charm! But a couple recent episodes, including a pompous, unhinged email to a flack for the Motion Picture Association of America that she cc'd to half of Hollywood over the weekend, suggest that things may be trending south for her.
1950s Playmate Found Mummified Inside Home
Jeff Neumann · 05/03/11 05:25AM
Former Playboy Playmate and B-movie star Yvette Vickers was found in a "mummified state" inside her Benedict Canyon, California home by a neighbor last week. Authorities tell the Los Angeles Times that she could have been dead for up to a year. Susan Savage found Vickers' body after noticing yellowed mail and cobwebs: "I just had a bad feeling," she told the paper.