Arabian Street Artists Got "Homeland Is Racist" Graffiti onto Show's Latest Episode
Brendan O'Connor · 10/14/15 09:45PM
In June, three Cairo-based street artists were approached by a production company to make the set of a refugee camp on hit Showtime series Homeland feel more authentic. Instead of putting up some pro-President Bashar al-Assad nonsense, though, they filled the walls with puns and clever transliterations.
Homeland Security Employees Refer to Overtime Pay as a "Candy Bowl"
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/02/13 09:53AMAntonin Scalia: I Suspect I Have Homosexual Friends
Lacey Donohue · 10/06/13 09:50PMWhat Can We Learn From Carrie's Notebook in the New Homeland Preview?
Max Read · 08/09/13 03:15PMCarrie Mathison, You're Such a Disappointment: On Homeland's Season Finale
Rich Juzwiak · 12/17/12 04:10PMWarning: This of course contains spoilers of last night's Homeland Season 2 finale.
Watch Anne Hathaway Spoof Homeland On SNL
MTanzer · 11/11/12 09:22AMThe Return of Homeland and Carrie Mathison's Perfect Flaws
Rich Juzwiak · 10/01/12 12:30PM
Our introduction to Homeland's C.I.A. officer protagonist Carrie Mathison was raw, almost punk: less than five minutes into the show's series premiere, we saw her wipe her crotch while scrambling to prepare for a meeting. With that moment, Homeland presented a portrait of Carrie's womanhood and sexuality that was nearly as unapologetic as the character itself.
"Mandy Patinkin, Holla," Is the New Angelina Jolie's Leg
Rich Juzwiak · 09/23/12 09:05PMWhile accepting her (well-deserved) Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama, Claire Danes addressed her Homeland costar this way: "Mandy Patinkin, holla." It feels real memey, but maybe that's just because this year's Emmys are duller than the Oscars, during which a person's leg stole the show. That's where we are. How to succeed on television tonight: "Holla." Brilliant. No one will care about this at all in five seconds!
Lena Dunham Gets Three Emmy Nominations; Here Are the Rest
Rich Juzwiak · 07/19/12 09:15AM
It's a very darling sort of year for the Emmys with critical/Internet/real people favs like Girls, Breaking Bad, Homeland, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Parks and Recreation and 30 Rock popping up in multiple categories. Mad Men and American Horror Story lead with 17 nominations. Somewhat weirdly, American Horror Story qualifies for the miniseries categories because, as Vulture explained earlier this year, "the miniseries distinction is reserved for programming that has a story line that gets resolved in a single season." This logic led the first season of Downton Abbey to be considered by the Emmys as a miniseries last year, although that was bullshit then (clearly Mary and Matthew had more heart-dragging to do — no one could have possibly thought that the first season finale constituted resolution). It's a bit more understandable in the case of American Horror Story, which will focus on an entirely different story every season, but it's still a little weird since we know several characters from last time around will return. (Actually, word is that returning actors will not be reprising their Season 1 roles but take up all new ones. Jessica Lange, for example, is supposed to play a nun.) No matter - whatever it takes for a show so batshit crazy to be regarded as distinguished is fine with me.
The Hottest Things on TV in 2011
Brian Moylan · 12/28/11 09:00AM
Every single television critic has written their "10 Best of 2011" article and it's all, "Oooh, Breaking Bad." "Let's hear it for Community." "Friday Night Lights should never leave!" "Do you love Louie? I love Louie. You should love LOUIE!" Fuck them! All their damn lists are the same year after year. Here are some of the other things that happened on television when the critics were playing Ookie Cookie with each other.