
Are You Prepared for the Race War?

Max Read · 05/22/12 02:30PM

Have you heard about the Race War? It's being censored by the media, but maybe you caught the news on Rush Limbaugh's show — "In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering" — or The O'Reilly Factor, or on the front page of the Drudge Report, or in Thomas Sowell's nationally-syndicated column, or on one of many blogs, like the Daily Caller. Or maybe you heard about it when you were beat up by one of our country's many roving mobs of black teens?

The Dog Whistle Has Sounded: How the Right Talks About 'Thugs' Like Trayvon Martin

Mobutu Sese Seko · 04/05/12 11:57AM

On Sunday, Bill Kristol, chronically incorrect steward of his daddy's magazine movement, dismissed liberals' and black activists' outraged response to the Trayvon Martin killing as "just demagoguery... mostly on the side of those who want to indict the whole society for this death." The following day, Rush Limbaugh said the response was "doing more harm to the black community than anything else." How blessed the black community must feel to have their best interests overseen by the living embodiment of everything wrong with white people.