
Some Other Things We Could Name After William McKinley Instead

Alex Pareene · 08/31/15 01:30PM

Today there is one less large thing named after a man from Ohio, and the other men from Ohio are hopping mad. “Our beloved Ohio man needs his name on the large thing,” they cry. Their cries fall on deaf ears: Alaska’s Mt. McKinley is now Denali.

George Washington Is Britain's Greatest Foe

Louis Peitzman · 04/15/12 02:35PM

He's our first president, he could not tell a lie, and he's Britain's greatest ever foe. Yes, George Washington has had this dubious honor bestowed on him by the National Army Museum. Washington beat out such notable adversaries as Michael Collins and Napoleon Bonaparte. I guess now would be the appropriate time to start a "U.S.A.!" chant?

Military to Introduce New Medal for Not Killing People

Adrian Chen · 05/12/10 05:41PM

Hey! Here's a medal we can get behind: Generals may someday give medals for "restraint that prevents civilian casualties in combat." We've gotten to the point where we're giving medals out for not killing people! Progress: America style. [CNN] (pic)

Event Honoring Gourmet Needs Gourmet People to Honor

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/09 11:21AM

This Sunday, some of the world's most famous chefs are getting together in Manhattan and "honoring the editors,writers and staff of the legendary culinary publication Gourmet Magazine." The only thing missing: Gourmet staffers. Um...you know any?

Another Historic Achievement For NYC

cityfile · 06/16/09 09:37AM

Victory is ours! After losing the top spot in the annual survey of the nation's angriest drivers, New York City has once again risen to the top of the heap, beating out Miami, which placed No. 1 last year. "New Yorkers were most likely to wave their fists or arms. They were most likely to lay on the horn and they were most likely to make some sort of obscene gesture," explained Michael Bush, of the marketing firm Affinion Group, which commissioned the survey. You knew all of this, of course. But a little validation goes a long way. [NYDN]

Sully Gets the Key

cityfile · 02/09/09 11:19AM

Michael Bloomberg presented keys to the city this morning to Chesley Sullenberger and four other members of the crew of Flight 1549 for their heroic efforts in saving the lives of 155 people a couple of weeks ago. "These true professionals are not there to just serve drinks and snacks. They are there to keep us safe," the mayor said in his opening remarks. It's nice to see Sully receive an honor he rightfully deserves, but "drinks and snacks"? What airline is Mayor Bloomberg flying? Oh, right, that's the one. [NYT]

Vera Wang, Ice Queen

cityfile · 01/14/09 11:41AM

It's a question we've pondered for ages: Who's the best competitive figure skater-turned-famous fashion designer, Vera Wang or Richie Rich? We may finally have an answer! Wang will be inducted into the U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame on January 23rd, although Richie can take some comfort in knowing the coveted honor is for Wang's "contribution to costume design," not because she, like, had better technique or anything. [WWD]

Good News

cityfile · 09/04/08 10:45AM

Here's some news that will brighten your day and distract from all that talk about how great or not-so-great Sarah Palin's speech was last night: Mario Lopez has been earned the coveted "2008 Male Celebrity Smile of the Year" award from Dear Doctor: Dentistry & Oral Health magazine. [BWE]

Harvard Offers Paris Hilton Celebutard Emeritus Status

Seth Abramovitch · 02/07/08 02:30PM

It's truly been a week for healing and personal triumphs for Paris Hilton, who, fresh off her Late Show with David Letterman appearance, in which the talk show host publicly apologized for their last contentious meeting and offered the heiress full access to his Ed Sullivan Theater to plug her various, completely immaterial projects and ventures, was also crowned "woman of the year" yesterday by the Harvard Lampoon. It was an honor she showed up in person to accept, where she gave the Ivy League institution her trademarked, temperature-based papal blessing:

Britney Spears Honored For Staged Incompetence

seth · 09/28/07 01:46PM

In what must be the most trying and unheralded period of Britney Spears's career yet, any sort of achievement—even topping a UKTV Gold poll honoring the "most embarrassing dance sequence of all time"—must come as welcome news. Surely learning not even the mass cringing elicited by Elaine Benes's thumb-flinging pas de incontinence could approach that of her own VMAs performance should be enough to comfort Spears with the knowledge that 2007 wasn't a total wash.