
False Hope, Empty Policy: Obama's "Amazing Grace" Moment Falls Flat

Frank Leon Roberts · 06/30/15 10:00AM

On Friday, June 26, at the funeral of Charleston, South Carolina shooting victim Clementa Pinckney, President Barack Obama closed his moving eulogy for the slain pastor—who was killed along with eight other black congregates at the historic Mother AME Emmanuel Church—by leading the congregation in a rousing rendition of “Amazing Grace.”

The Dream That Never Was: Black Millennials and the Promise of Obama

Vann R. Newkirk II · 12/01/14 11:10AM

I'm not prepared to paper over the faults in my perceptions of politics. I'm not ready to confront whatever comes after post-race. I'm not ready to eulogize whatever vestiges of Black Camelot remain. And I don't know if I'm equipped for the world After Obama.

Why Are You Playing the Lottery?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/15/12 02:36PM

The Powerball jackpot is up to $320 million. Why do you play the lottery? Is it because you have a dream? Because you have hope of a better future? Because—though you know it's a long shot—you just have a good feeling about this one? Because the twinkle in your eye and the spring in your step signify your jaunty, devil-may-care attitude towards the naysayers, and a firm belief that you, a fundamentally good person, will one day get your proper reward?

Watch Kids React In Disgust To Rebecca Black's 'Friday'

Seth Abramovitch · 04/10/11 09:26PM

Here's an antidote to that sad, helpless feeling you get every time you hear Rebecca Black's unkillable ode to hebdomadal cycles, "Friday." In it, a group of brave, young test subjects submit to a screening of the infamous video that turned Black into our generation's biggest anti-star, then answer questions on what they've just seen. The results are reassuring, to say the least. Even the one little girl who actually liked it compares it to "a dessert with a pig on top." We might be leaving the planet in good hands, folks! [The Fine Bros]

Shady Obama Barber Pushes Gray-Hair Story

Ryan Tate · 03/04/09 11:36PM

Barack Obama's barber "Zariff" has no last name and is suddenly in all the papers explaining that the president has GENUINE gray hair after just 44 days in office. Why?

Barack Obama Tells Us Who's President Now

Gabriel Snyder · 01/08/09 12:28PM

Sure, the inauguration is twelve days away, but Barack Obama's speech today was his most public declaration that he's in charge and (Lord help us all) knows the way out of the financial apocalypse.

Obama Inaugural Will Probably Kill You, Congress Promises

Ryan Tate · 12/30/08 12:00AM

To discourage people from actually attending Barack Obama's presidential inauguration, the Democratic Congress is promising the ceremony will be hell on Earth, like Katrina, except planned by Congress.