Massive Shopping Brawl Puts Mall of America on 'Lockdown'
Maureen O'Connor · 12/27/11 12:44PMMinnesota's giant shrine to the gods of mass retail, the Mall of America, erupted into a 200-person melee last night. Thirty police stormed the premises, putting the entire mall on a temporary lockdown. The mallrats are rebelling!
Katie Roiphe Saw a Fight
Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/11 04:13PMShark Night 3D: Jaws, in a Lake
Max Read · 05/25/11 08:14PMHere's a trailer for Shark Night 3D, which is a movie about a shark, that was filmed in 3D. I'm not really sure what part is the "night" part, but there's definitely a shark, that lives in a lake.
Today in Horrible Awful Things
Hamilton Nolan · 12/08/10 09:54AMThe Walking Dead: Yup, Zombies Are Still Pretty Scary
Richard Lawson & Brian Moylan · 11/01/10 11:41AMWatch 100 Horror Movies Get Spoiled in Five Minutes
Matt Cherette · 10/27/10 09:06PMHorrific Thing Happens to (Bonus!) White Professional Woman
Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/10 08:11AMJustin Bieber Touches Dead Body and Screams Like a Girl on Set of CSI
Maureen O'Connor · 08/04/10 05:52PMSlumber Party Massacre 2: Pillow Fight to the Death
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/10/10 11:45AMAn 80s' girl band's parent-free overnight frolic turns deadly when nightmarish memories (this is the sequel) turn real, and the rockabilly Driller Killer picks off the girls and their boyfriends. There's tits! there's gore! the killer wears a fringe jacket!
The Bad Man in the Mirror
Alison Flood · 02/09/10 11:14AMBritish Texting While Driving PSA Will Make You Think Twice, Squirm
Andrew Belonsky · 08/24/09 01:20AMBritain isn't fooling around when it comes to texting while behind the wheel, and a recent PSA attempts to — and does! — drive that point home.
Sex Sells Bloody Death
Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/09 02:04PMWall Street Zombies To Invade Manhattan?
Richard Lawson · 10/13/08 11:05AM
Caroline McCarthy hears a rumor that Zombiecon—the annual New York City "flash mob" that foolishly exalts the greatest menace facing the civilization, the flesh-eating undead—may have a Wall St. theme this year! Because, you know, vast stretches of way-lower Broadway are now hideous, ghoul-filled wastelands, replete with the moaning and lumbering reanimated corpses of various Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch employees. So yeah, it's a fun idea—bloody blue Oxfords, stock ticker tape spilling out of abdomens like guts—but it's also dangerous, because, you know, we don't want to be the city that cried "zombie" for when the real war comes. Ah well. What would your Wall Street Zombie costume be?
One More Thing: The Most Horrifyingly Horrific Moments in Horror
ian spiegelman · 07/26/08 06:38PMYou Fools, You'll Kill Us All!
Pareene · 04/29/08 04:31PMIt's Alive!
ian spiegelman · 04/27/08 03:40PMBoo!
Richard Lawson · 04/17/08 11:23AMSTV · 04/09/08 05:25PM

Compounding (and maybe even stealing) our acute grief at the news of Short Circuit Redux, LA Times columnist Jay Fernandez today mulls over the pandemic of horror glutting the marketplace. With this week's release of Prom Night leading the way, Fernandez counts more than a dozen do-overs en route to theaters, including the certain evisceration of classics like Friday the 13th, The Birds and Near Dark; a Stanford professor deigns to comment that audiences can't be bothered to think and dread at the same time, so they take comfort in the familiar. Kind of like Fernandez himself, in a way, who latched on to our Short Circuit distress by reworking our "End of Ideas" tag for a lede ("Smell that? It's the decay of original ideas"), citing stars Steve Guttenberg and Ally Sheedy being "at the height of their powers" (we said they were "in top form") and hitting the 1986 original's IMDB Quotes page to flesh out our mutual concern over Fisher Stevens' garish Indian stereotype. We feel your pain, Jay — but you already knew that, didn't you? [LAT]
Buffy Reunion! Buffy Reunion! Buffy!
ian spiegelman · 03/29/08 01:17PM
I don't know why it took LA Weekly so long to get around to filing the definitive coverage of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer reunion/panel discussion at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills, and I don't care. Know why? Cause it's Buffy, mofos! What was shooting "Once More Feeling"-you know, "The Musical Episode"-like? "'I'm gonna go with fun,' says series creator Joss Whedon." He talks just like Xander! "'You guys are remembering this differently,' says James Marsters, who played Spike, the tormented vampire in love with Buffy. 'It was total terror from the cast.'" Love it! But what are their favorite things?