Inside the Hostage Situation Inside Discovery Building (UPDATE)
James O'Donnell and Morgan Barry · 09/01/10 02:14PMHostage Situation at Discovery Channel Headquarters (Updated)
Jim Newell · 09/01/10 01:14PMNorth Korea's Revenge: Capturing a Fishing Boat
Adrian Chen · 08/08/10 11:10AMPossibly Explosive Hostage Situation in VA. Post Office
Adrian Chen · 12/23/09 10:20PMPirates Demand Taxpayer Money, Or They Kill!
Hamilton Nolan · 04/10/09 02:27PMMaggie · 12/03/07 12:50PM

Gillian Gibbons, the British teacher who offended Islam by allowing her class of 7-year-olds to name a teddy bear "Muhammed," has been released from a Sudanese jail and is hightailing it out of the country before she blasphemes any other religious figures. In a statement, Gibbons, who looks somewhat teddy-bearish herself, praised the "kindness and generosity" of the Sudanese. Doesn't it just warm your heart when recently-released hostages and prisoners of Islamic hardliners make mushy public statements about their captors? Creepy. Also, we demand to know why those heretical infidel first-graders were not imprisoned alongside their teacher; desecrating the prophet was their idea, after all. [CNN]