How to Beat the Heat
Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/11 05:10PMSexy Spy Anna Chapman Spotted In Kazakhstan
Jeff Neumann · 10/08/10 04:21AMHottie Banker Defies Critics: 'I Don't Want To Be Famous'
Jeff Neumann · 09/26/10 11:59AMSix Reasons the World Gets More Attractive When the Sun Comes Out
Ravi Somaiya · 03/26/10 02:00PMOne More Thing: Who is Your 70s Crush?
ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 04:41PM
Yesterday's installment brought forth so much thrillingly lovely eye-candy that I'm sticking with the theme today. Only difference is that we'll be delving even further back into our collective crush unconsciousness. Crush-onciousness? Whatev. I'll start it off with my choice for most amazingly glorious 1970s heartbreaker.
Marisha Pessl Hotness Condition Up(Down?)graded
Emily Gould · 11/13/06 09:10AM
The Asheville Citizen-Times ("Voice of The Mountains") took a break from their usual coverage of jam band festivals and moonshine-still flareups to profile hometown girl made good Marisha Pessl, author of summertime hit Special Topics in Calamity Physics. We feel a little bit bad about continuing to mock Ms. "book Broadway hot" Pessl — it isn't her fault that she has "brains as well as beauty," as the Citizen-Times puts it. But it is her fault that she continues to let people take ridiculous pictures of her. Thus, we have been forced to up(down)grade her condition to "Steve Madden ad hot."
Marisha Pessl Best Seen, Not Heard
Chris Mohney · 10/17/06 01:30PM
We originally classified author Marisha Pessl as "book hot," then upped her to "TV hot," then tweaked the levels down to "Broadway hot" — all based on relevant photos, of course — but it appears that regardless of her photographic hotness, her physical presence underwhelms in terms of performance. An unimpressed witness to Pessl's weekend reading in Bryant Park reports: