A Revelation Regarding Elián González's Physical Appearance
Dayna Evans and Jordan Sargent · 04/22/15 12:05PMHarvard's Hottest Freshmen Are Definitely Not Cool
Caity Weaver · 02/19/14 02:20PMThe Hottie Banker Is Back In Court, This Time Suing Quest Diagnostics
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/25/13 07:58PMThis Super Hot Lady (and Some Other Guy) Ruined CNN
Max Read · 06/28/12 01:31PM
You probably know that CNN completely and utterly blew it today, in the most embarrassing way possible, by reporting not "what happened" but, actually, the exact opposite. But did you know that it's all the fault of a super-hot news-babe? BuzzFeed's Michael Hastings explains in his piece about how stupid everyone at CNN is feeling:
Four of America's Hottest Presidents (and One Bonus Hottie)
Max Read · 02/20/12 01:40PM
The fine folks at My Daguerrotype Boyfriend are celebrating President's Day the only appropriate way: by posting pictures of our hottest commanders-in-chief. Clockwise, from top left: Teddy Roosevelt (during his time rowing crew at Harvard); Teddy again, as a Harvard freshman; William McKinley as a Union soldier in the Civil War; Rutherford B. Hayes; Abraham Lincoln's son Robert Todd; and a 16-year-old James Garfield. Feel free to post your own presidential favorites in the comments.
How To Make Capitol Hill's Annual 'Most Beautiful' List
Jim Newell · 07/27/11 03:14PMLindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson and Other Hollywood Babes Star in "Hottie Body Hump Club"
Whitney Jefferson · 02/28/11 10:30AMThis video comes from Jimmy Kimmel's post-Oscar special. "Jimmy K" owns a gym that promises to get you fit by well, humping. Cameos include: Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan, Emily Blunt, Jessical Biel, Kelly Ripa, and more!
Supermodels From the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Read the Late Show's Top 10 List
Whitney Jefferson · 02/15/11 12:20PMSure, they all kind of stumbled over the corny jokes written by the Late Show staff, but that's not really the point, is it? Enjoy the eye candy.
How Nicki Minaj's Booty Stole the Show on SNL
Whitney Jefferson · 01/31/11 10:00AMSure, the most-talked about moment of Saturday night was Mark Zuckerberg's awkward exchange with Jesse Eisenberg during the opening monologue. But did Zuck have an entire sketch written around his behind? I think not.