
A Revelation Regarding Elián González's Physical Appearance

Dayna Evans and Jordan Sargent · 04/22/15 12:05PM

Remember Elián González? The six-year-old boy who was apprehended from a relative’s home in Miami in 2000 and sent back to Cuba by American federal agents? Do you recall what he looks like? Well it doesn’t matter, because he’s hot now.

Four of America's Hottest Presidents (and One Bonus Hottie)

Max Read · 02/20/12 01:40PM

The fine folks at My Daguerrotype Boyfriend are celebrating President's Day the only appropriate way: by posting pictures of our hottest commanders-in-chief. Clockwise, from top left: Teddy Roosevelt (during his time rowing crew at Harvard); Teddy again, as a Harvard freshman; William McKinley as a Union soldier in the Civil War; Rutherford B. Hayes; Abraham Lincoln's son Robert Todd; and a 16-year-old James Garfield. Feel free to post your own presidential favorites in the comments.

How To Make Capitol Hill's Annual 'Most Beautiful' List

Jim Newell · 07/27/11 03:14PM

The world is quickly tumbling further into hell, thanks entirely to a crisis of Washington's own making, but Capitol Hill is celebrating its favorite holiday of the year today: the release day of The Hill's annual "50 Most Beautiful" list!

How Nicki Minaj's Booty Stole the Show on SNL

Whitney Jefferson · 01/31/11 10:00AM

Sure, the most-talked about moment of Saturday night was Mark Zuckerberg's awkward exchange with Jesse Eisenberg during the opening monologue. But did Zuck have an entire sketch written around his behind? I think not.

The Official Congressional Freshmen Hot List

Jim Newell · 01/07/11 03:32PM

There are so many new members of Congress this year — and some of them are even attractive, by Washington standards! We've studied them all and plucked only the "sexiest." And your Gawker editors have scored them, to boot.

The Official Congressional Freshmen Hot List - Gallery

Jim Newell · 01/07/11 03:17PM

Republican Congressman from Nevada

Joe Heck is the official "Silver Fox" of the 112th Congress' many freshmen sex monsters. How does he preserve that handsome gray streak so well? You non-silver people will never know.

The Week We Were Hot

Richard Lawson · 08/06/10 05:07PM

Let's take a look back at the week that was, a hot week full of hot topics.