Republican Congressman Interrupts Sit-In to Shriek "Radical Islam!" a Few Times
Hudson Hongo · 06/22/16 10:36PMDemocrats Shout in Protest as Paul Ryan Attempts Regular House Business
Hudson Hongo · 06/22/16 09:45PMThe Democrats Are Boldly Fighting For a Bad, Stupid Bill
Alex Pareene · 06/22/16 03:20PM
After Democrats in the Senate staged a filibuster in support of gun control measures, their colleagues in the House have begun a “sit-in” aimed at embarrassing Republicans into allowing a vote on a measure that would restrict the ability of suspected terrorists to legally buy guns. The move is fantastic political theater. It’s also a tremendous waste of popular support and activist energy in support of a measure that isn’t just ineffective but also actively offensive.
House Democrats Hold Sit-in to Demand Gun Control Vote
Ashley Feinberg · 06/22/16 12:11PMWhen Will the House Censure Dennis Hastert, the Child Predator Who Used to Lead It?
Andy Cush · 04/27/16 01:55PM
When a member of the U.S. House of Representatives commits some sort of misconduct, the House is empowered to formally censure that member, holding a public hearing devoted to airing out their misdeeds. When will it censure Dennis Hastert, the former speaker who admitted today to sexually abusing children?
A Wine Retailer and Chris Matthews's Wife Spent $15.2 Million Losing the Nation's Most Expensive House Race
Brendan O'Connor · 04/27/16 12:50PM
On Tuesday, Maryland State Senator Jamie Raskin—a professor at American University and the husband of deputy treasury secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin—won Maryland’s 8th Congressional District Democratic primary, triumphing over both a former corporate executive married to a national television anchor, and a self-funding millionaire businessman. It was an expensive loss for them both.
Capitol Hill Staffers Are Using This Insider-Only Gossip App Like Horny Teens
Brendan O'Connor · 03/09/16 08:25PMDick Cheney's Unpopular Daughter To Run for Office in a State Where She's Despised
Melissa Cronin · 01/30/16 01:59PMReport: Ben Carson Was Recruited to Be Speaker of the House
Jordan Sargent · 01/07/16 06:33PMHouse Speaker Race Beset By Chaos, Weeping, Romney
Ashley Feinberg · 10/08/15 01:46PMKevin McCarthy, who up until a few hours ago had been the clear frontrunner, has pulled out of the race to replace the retiring John Boehner as Speaker of the House. And now, Congress has descended into hell’s most tearful, mind-numbing pit of fiery chaos. [Updated]
Last Minute Vote Postpones Homeland Security Shutdown by One Week
Brendan O'Connor · 02/28/15 10:10AMAP: Aaron Schock Used Donor Funds For Private Flights, Katy Perry Show
Jordan Sargent · 02/23/15 06:56PM
Aaron Schock, GOP boy wonder, might soon have some problems that are much larger than office decorations or, uh, that other stuff. According to a new AP report, the Illinois representative used over $75,000 in campaign donor funds since 2011 for private air travel, several concerts—including a Katy Perry show—and, because Congressmen work very hard, massages.
Jason Parham · 01/05/15 01:26PM
Much like America, Congress–which tomorrow returns to whatever it is they do–is a picture of racial progress. Just kidding! It's still mostly run by a bunch of white, Jesus-loving men in bad suits. According to data from the Post, the 114th Congress is "80 percent white, 80 percent male, and 92 percent Christian."
Staten Island Paper: We'll Endorse This Asshole, But We Won't Like It
Andy Cush · 10/30/14 10:08AM
The Staten Island Advance was presented with a tough choice in its district's upcoming House race. Michael Grimm, the incumbent, was indicted on federal fraud charges and once threatened to throw a reporter off a balcony. Domenic Recchia, his challenger, seems even dumber than him. Apparently, neither has ever read a book.
Today's "Google Doodle" Accidentally Mourns Closing of National Parks
Ken Layne · 10/01/13 01:30PMRobert Kessler · 01/03/13 01:35PM
House Republicans have re-elected Rep. John Boehner as the Speaker of the House, once again.
House Republicans to Sandy Victims: Drop Dead
Max Read · 01/02/13 10:27AMAfter almost killing the fiscal cliff deal over the course of a few bizarre hours yesterday, you'd think it'd be impossible for House Republicans to make themselves look any more cruel and petty...
We Will Avoid the Fiscal Cliff Because the Members of the House Are Tired and Want to Go Home
Jordan Sargent · 01/01/13 08:15PM
When I was in college I would do this thing where I would procrastinate on papers for days or weeks or months before finally buckling in and getting to work with, oh, 12 hours left before the thing was due. Then I would work furiously for a bit before giving up in the end and wrapping the paper up as sloppily as possible. It would be 3 a.m. and I would be in the library and I would say to myself, "I'm tired and I need to go home." I wasn't very good at college which is why I'm now a blogger — that's a lesson for you children.
Barney Frank Leaves Congress, Won't 'Pretend Everything is Wonderful'
Mallory Ortberg · 12/09/12 04:25PM
The Boston Globe has interviewed Barney Frank, along with some of his friends and fellow representatives, as he prepares to leave office and take up private life, where he will hopefully find a way to capitalize on his increasing resemblance to the late Buddy Hackett. There are a lot of wonderful takeaways in this article, assuming you choose not to focus on the recent redistricting or the current state of the House of Representatives but instead on the fun stuff.