Gifts of Frankincense and Myrrh (and Guac): How to Get Guests to Stock Your Holiday Party
Caity Weaver · 12/18/12 02:30PMWhat to Do if You Fall onto the Subway Tracks: Run Away (Seriously)
Max Read · 12/04/12 07:00PM
Yesterday, 58-year-old New Yorker Ki Suk Han was pushed onto the subway tracks and killed by an oncoming train. Thousands of people who happened to see the New York Post's Tuesday-morning cover were forced to confront Ki Suk Han's plight first-hand — all of us wondering, what should I do if that ever happens to me? There are a lot of schools of thought here, but the one that seems to make the most sense is: run away from the train.
Just In Case: Here's How to Make Your Own Twinkies
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/19/12 06:16PMWhile it's true that Hostess has been granted a temporary stay of execution by a bankruptcy judge in New York, it's still possible that mediation talks between the baked-goods manufacturer and the bakers union will fail and fans of cream-filled cakes will once again be forced to sell both kidneys so they can bid on $5,000 boxes of Twinkies on eBay.
A Handful of Tips for Eating Counterfeit Money Very Quickly
Caity Weaver · 09/04/12 05:34PMIs This 'How To Ride the Subway' Tutorial Really Necessary?
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/29/12 03:23PMHow To Defend Yourself Effectively During A Trashy-Ass Times Square Crutch Fight
Caity Weaver · 08/27/12 02:50PMAny New Yorker will tell you that no trip to Manhattan is complete without becoming embroiled in one of the city's famed crutch fights.
Revealed: The Proper Way to Use a Tic Tac Dispenser
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/27/12 01:52PMSince its inception, the World Wide Web has provided humans with unlimited opportunity to exchange information on a expansive assortment of mutually beneficial topics with transformative results.
Everyday Wizardry: This Incredible No-Mess Egg Yolk Extraction Trick Will Make You a Hit at Parties
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/23/12 03:10PMCourtesy of China comes a remarkable no-mess yolk separation technique that requires nothing more than an ordinary water bottle.
How to Eat a Watermelon: The Official Tutorial
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/16/12 09:10AMLearn From Bill Nye the Science Guy How to Tie a Bowtie
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/31/12 09:58AMBowtie expert Bill Nye the Science Guy gives Nerdist Chris Hardwick a firsthand tutorial on tying his signature neckwear.
YouTube Chef Shows How to Prepare Gay-Friendly Chick-fil-A Sandwich at Home
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/18/12 01:00PMGot Thirty Seconds to Spare? Why Not Spend Them Letting Gandalf Show You How to Catch a Live Kangaroo
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/13/12 07:30AMHow to Get Around Massachusetts' Anti-American Sparkler Ban
Caity Weaver · 07/02/12 03:37PMWant to Grill a Decent Hot Dog for Once? Spiral-Cut It
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/29/12 03:30PMIndependence Day is almost upon us, and what better way to show America you love her than by learning how to properly grill a hot dog.
Getting Ready to Hit the Club? First Learn How to Dance
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/01/12 12:10PMDo Try This At Home: How To Make Vietnamese Coffee
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/24/12 07:46AMAnd Now Here's An Elderly Gentleman Opening a Beer with a Chainsaw
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/18/12 07:32AMYou say "where's the safety equipment," but I say "safety equipment? Pfft. Safety equipment is for men who don't open their beers with a chainsaw."
How to Write an Opinion Column That Takes No Position Whatsoever
Hamilton Nolan · 05/15/12 09:56AM
Richard Cohen is (for some reason) employed as a professional opinion columnist by the Washington Post. He is paid to write columns—featuring his own opinions—about the issues of the day. This is the entirety of his job. Yet Richard Cohen has a wondrous talent possessed by few in his rarefied sphere: he can write an entire opinion column with zero actual opinion.