What Does Arianna Huffington Really Look Like?
Ryan Tate · 10/29/09 12:57PMNew York Rumors, Conde Cuts & SNL's New Low
cityfile · 10/15/09 03:56PM• Is New York magazine up for sale now that Bruce Wasserstein has died? There's no reason to assume so, but that isn't stopping people from tossing around the names of some very unlikely "contenders." [NYP, AdAge, DF]
• Related: David Carr of the Times details how Wasserstein benefited the magazine; Daniel Gross of Slate focuses on his commitment to journalism; and New York's editors offer up their own heartfelt tribute to the mag's late owner.
• The cuts at Condé continue: Golf World felt the pain today. [Gawker]
• SNL has cut a deal with Anheuser-Busch to stick beer ads into the show. "Maybe if we drink enough the show will actually seem funny." [LAT]
How the Swine Flu Joined Glenn Beck and the Huffington Post
Ryan Tate · 09/30/09 03:35PMJets Don't Count for Greed Hater Arianna Huffington
Ryan Tate · 09/28/09 01:37PMHuffPo Hires Dude to Tell Ladies What They Want
John Cook · 09/18/09 12:26PMArianna's Knight in Khaki Armor
Ryan Tate · 09/16/09 01:34PMA Jackson Reality TV Show, Elle Combats Homelessness
cityfile · 08/25/09 01:47PM• Just when you think members of the Jackson family can't possibly stoop any lower comes confirmation they've agreed to do a reality TV show for A&E. It's going to be "genuine," says the show's producer. Clearly. [THR]
• Because the public has been clamoring for 24/7 access to fake wrestling matches, the WWF is now hoping to start up its own cable network. [NYP]
• More on what went down when Vogue editor Anna Wintour sat down to chat with David Letterman on his show last night. [WWD]
• Sony unveiled its electronic reading gizmo/Kindle competitor today. [NYT]
• The Observer's Jason Horowitz is leaving for the Washington Post. [NYO]
• A homeless woman has scored a four-month internship at Elle. Just wait until Elle "employee" Olivia Palermo gets her hands on her on the next season of The City. Homelessness, we presume, will never have looked so good. [Gawker]
The Huffington Post Knows Cancer Is Bad, Right?
John Cook · 08/11/09 01:43PMHuffington Post's New Medical Editor Already Promoting Clients
Ryan Tate · 08/10/09 03:50PMHuffPo's Dangerous Quacks, Hacks and Cultists
Ryan Tate · 07/30/09 03:50PMWell Born and Well Kept at the Huffington Post
Ryan Tate · 07/28/09 08:25PMHuffington Post Serves up Hoax on Front Page
Ryan Tate · 07/21/09 07:36PMArianna Huffington Seduces Journalist Over Email
Ryan Tate · 07/21/09 03:55PMSwift Boat Funder Blogging For HuffPo
Pareene · 07/10/09 03:39PMArianna Huffington's Hypocrisy on 'Un-American' Outsourcing
Ryan Tate · 07/10/09 01:15PMWhy a Huffington Post Co-Founder Buys Extravagant Real Estate For Pretty Young Ladies
John Cook · 07/08/09 05:17PMKenny Lerer: New York's Most Generous Web Exec
cityfile · 07/08/09 12:55PM
Many people have criticized The Huffington Post for not paying its writers. But Ken Lerer, who co-founded the site with Arianna Huffington and remains the company's chairman, sure has one heck of a generous streak. Last week, we noticed that Joey Bartolomeo, a senior writer at People and frequent TV talking head, had purchased an apartment on the Upper East Side. What was strange was that Bartolomeo didn't buy the $1.025 million co-op on her own. Lerer's name appeared on the property documents as well. And it turns out that Joey isn't the first member of the Bartolomeo family to have benefited from Lerer's largesse. Bartolomeo's older sister, Stephanie Bartolomeo, picked up a $1.25 million co-op on the Upper West Side back in March. And once again, Lerer co-signed for the apartment.