
You Are Not Special. This Blue Lobster Is Special.

Foster Kamer · 08/23/09 02:15PM

This guy thought he was fishing a blue beer can from the ocean. Turns out it was a lobster; only one in five million are blue. It was donated to the Seacoast Science Center. I wonder how it tastes. [NYDN]

Hungry Screenwriters Strike Out On Their Own

Sheila · 11/13/07 01:15PM

Now that they're on strike, it seems like screenwriters are busier and more productive than ever. But left to their own devices, it turns out that they are a distinctly unfunny bunch. Put a bunch of 'em in a room and eventually they'll write Six Feet Under, but in the end they're just monkeys—monkeys writing for the LA Times and New York mag and making their own blogs and getting all up on the HuffPo. Here's our Striking Screenwriter Roundup—clearly the work of simians. All they can think about is food!