Lovable Hurt Locker producer Nicholas Chartier, whose trash-talk email about Avatar got him banned from the Oscars, called a recent correspondent a "moron" and a "thief" in another imprudent missive. If only there was a way to not press "send."
Today RadarOnline said Hurt Locker star Jeremy Renner didn't hit on Jessica Simpson because he has a girlfriend. Last month, the National Enquirer—also owned by AMI!—outed him. Are they trying to have their gay-ke and eat it, too?
Journalist Deborah Schoeneman says out loud when much of Hollywood already suspected: Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow—who was once married to director James Cameron—is dating Hurt Locker screenwriter Mark Boal.
Nicolas Chartier sent an email to colleagues, including Academy members, asking them to choose his movie "not the $500-million film," a reference to Avatar. That was deemed against Academy rules on disparaging rival movies, so he's out. [LAT]
Gilligan's Island: The Movie. Justin Timberlake: Romantic comedy star. Hurt Locker producer: Banned from the Oscars. Lorne Michaels: Bullish on Conan O'Brien. Marion Cotillard: Hired by Woody Allen. So much Trade to Round-up, guys. Get in here and let's party!
50 Cent continues to earn the "actor" part of his "rapper-actor" moniker. The Hurt Locker wins a bunch of non-Oscar awards. Shutter Island wins the weekend. Betty White might host SNL. The Roundup cares about hockey. Do you?
Nikke Finke is digging through the nasty negative campaigning that fills her inbox as the Oscars, Golden Globes, etc. draw near. The most salacious smear: Leonardo DiCaprio bought Tobey Maguire his Brothers Golden Globe nomination... with Blu-Ray DVD players?
Are you ready to be entertained by a behemoth? General Electric is on the brink of selling NBC Universal to Comcast—a deal that will create one of the nation's largest entertainment companies and make everyone the same everywhere.