
Might This Megahyped Indie Film Actually Be Good?

Emily Gould · 08/22/07 03:53PM

So we read Times token "hipster" Melena Ryzik's summing-up of the genre to which "Hannah Takes the Stairs" belongs—"Mumblecore is the latest in indie cinema. It's a movement focused on the self-absorbed minutiae of post-collegiate existence—but in a good way."—and gagged ourselves with a proverbial spoon. But then we watched the trailer for the movie and... man! Don't you hate it when something that purports to speak to your generation actually, you know, speaks to you? There should be a word for that. There probably is in German. Anyway, you could check it out tonight at IFC, if you're feeling, um, focused on the self-absorbed minutiae of post-collegiate existence or something.