
This Is the Scariest Lip-Sync Video You Will Ever See

Matt Cherette · 08/14/10 09:20PM

People exaggerate on the Internet. Please know that I'm not exaggerating now when I say that this video—of a drag queen lip-syncing Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You"—is one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed.

Boy Belts Ballad, Becomes Diva

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/08/10 10:45AM

A Taiwanese boy performs a perfect rendition of "I Will Always Love You", channeling Whitney's power and the emotion of Dolly's lyrics. The boy is already an internet star, where a song and a bow tie make dreams come true.

Meet the Taiwanese Susan Boyle

Maureen O'Connor · 04/06/10 11:39PM

Oh, look, another Chinese knock-off. (I can say that because I am half of one.) Taiwan's Susan Boyle is a man with a spherical body, bowl cut, and pitch-perfect Whitney Houston impression.