
Figure Skating Makes Scott Hamilton Orgasm

Mike Byhoff · 02/26/10 04:31PM

Former figure skating gold medal winner and commentator Scott Hamilton gets...excited during tense triple axel, double toe-loop combinations. And now that figure skating is over, he's finally spent. Spent and satisfied. And boy does he need a smoke.

How the American Lady Skaters Could Kill the Olympics

Richard Lawson · 02/24/10 11:02AM

During last night's short program, Tom Hammond noted that an American woman has made the figure skating podium every Olympics since Peggy Fleming. This year, that streak might be broken. That sort of ruins the Olympics, doesn't it?

The Most Painful Figure Skating Falls

Rose Annis · 12/23/09 11:18AM

Tis the season when girls in sparkly miniskirts—who are better athletes than you'll ever be—venture out onto the cold, unforgiving ice and perform christmas miracles. Or fall on their face. Enjoy this brutal compilation of figure skater falls.

Vera Wang, Ice Queen

cityfile · 01/14/09 11:41AM

It's a question we've pondered for ages: Who's the best competitive figure skater-turned-famous fashion designer, Vera Wang or Richie Rich? We may finally have an answer! Wang will be inducted into the U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame on January 23rd, although Richie can take some comfort in knowing the coveted honor is for Wang's "contribution to costume design," not because she, like, had better technique or anything. [WWD]