
How Not to Remove Snow From a Roof

Matt Cherette · 01/13/11 09:39PM

Here's a video from Finland (I think) that's been blowin' up the Internets today. It features a man attempting to remove some ice/snow from his roof with a shovel by beating it—until it beats him back, that is.

The Hobbit: Part 1 to Include Icy Water Scenes

Jeff Neumann · 01/08/11 03:54PM

[Okay, so pictures of people swimming in ice water are getting old, but this German guy dressed as Neptune earlier today deserves a little credit. Image via Getty]

Icy Street Corner of Doom Victimizes All Who Pass

Christopher Han · 12/06/10 05:32PM

There's something to be said about this couple filming an icy street corner from out their window, commenting on the passers-by who slowly but surely will fall victim to a certain slippery spot... Well, we're watching too, aren't we?

How To Escape a Car Sinking in Deep Water

David Matthews · 01/28/10 11:00AM

Crashing your car into a body of water might look cool in a movie, but it's no laughing matter. If you ever find yourself in a car rapidly filling with icy water, you'll know what to do.