
Meet Grímsvötn, Iceland's Latest Erupting Volcano

Max Read · 05/21/11 04:46PM

Have you heard about Iceland's fun new volcanic eruption, a nine-mile plume of ash coming out of its most active volcano, Grímsvötn? Let us guide you with a helpful volcano FAQ!

Iceland Celebrates Husbands by Eating Testicles

Maureen O'Connor · 01/21/11 04:39PM

Today is Bóndadagur, "Husband's Day," when Icelandic wives feed their husbands "dried fish, smoked lamb, putrefied shark and soured blood and liver pudding along with other soured meat products, including ram testicles" as a token of their love.

The World's Best Mayor Asks: Do I Exist?

Max Read · 08/16/10 08:35PM

Jón Gnarr, the radio host, philosopher and Mayor of Reykjavík, would like to welcome you to his city. And he would like to do so by considering the nature of existence, and the question of "elves and trolls."

The Icelandic Volcano is Heating Up Again

Jeff Neumann · 05/07/10 07:28AM

A new four-mile high cloud of ash has reportedly shot out of the the Eyjafjoll volcano in Iceland. The Institute of Earth Science said there are "no signs of the eruption ending soon." [AFP]

Excess in Baggage

Brian Moylan · 04/20/10 05:53PM

[A Russian traveler brings some luxury to her impromptu sleeping quarters this morning at JFK International Airport, where she's been stranded for five days thanks to a volcano whose name no one can pronounce. Image via Getty]

Grounded Flights Could Lead to Immediate Rise in Temperatures

Ravi Somaiya · 04/17/10 04:11PM

In a bizarre illustration of the actual impact jet trails have on temperature, scientists in England say that the grounding of planes across Europe could have an immediate and measurable impact over the continent in the next few days.

The Icelandic Volcano Eruption in Pictures

Ravi Somaiya · 04/17/10 02:04PM

Volcanic eruptions are very inconvenient if you have travel plans, or get caught up in one. But they are very nice to look at. Here's some of magma-and-ash-spewing Eyjafjallajokull's finest work.

Northern Europe: No Flying, but Nice Sunsets

Max Read · 04/16/10 01:52AM

[The thick layer of ash emitted by the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull will ground flights across northern Europe until midday Friday at the earliest, but if nothing else those Scandinavians are in for some killer volcanic sunsets. Image via Oter's Flickr]