Where Are They Now: the Ikea Monkey
Sarah Hedgecock · 12/09/13 01:23PMThe Internet Eats Itself: Porn Stars Reenact Famous Memes
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/28/13 10:15AMThe Internet is for two things and two things only: Porn and memes. Why, then, did it take this long for someone to put the two together?
Ikea Monkey Owner Holds Sad Protest for Return of Her 'Little Person'
Taylor Berman · 12/19/12 10:39PM
In the week and a half since Darwin the Ikea Monkey captivated the world's attention with his fancy coat and car-escaping ways, there have been countless memes and jokes about the tiny pet, resulting in good, harmless fun for everyone. Well, everyone except Yasmin Nakhuda, Darwin's former owner who lost custody of the pet after the incident.
The Best of Ikea Monkey, the Meme
Max Read · 12/10/12 12:56PM
Who doesn't love the Ikea Monkey — the seven-month-old Rhesus Macaque found wandering around a Toronto Ikea yesterday in a shearling coat? ("His favorite," apparently, according to his previous owners who were relieved of him following the Ikea incident.) Everyone loves the Ikea Monkey, which is why Ikea Monkey is now a meme. Here are some of the best Ikea Monkey memes.
Shearling Coat-Wearing Monkey Found Wandering Around Canadian Ikea
Taylor Berman · 12/09/12 07:05PM
According to various reports, a very fashionably dressed monkey was found wandering around an Ikea in Toronto. Apparently, the monkey, who was wearing a shearling coat and a diaper, was brought to the store by his owners and left in the car while they went inside. But, as you might have guessed from his coat, this wasn't your regular, run-of-the-mill monkey, content to stay in the car while his owners had all the shopping fun. As the Globe and Mail reports: