
Bill Keller Will Stop Throwing the Word 'Illegals' Around So Much

Jim Newell · 12/13/11 12:50PM

Great news from the official top paper of historical world record, import, & fame, &c., the New York Times: former executive editor Bill Keller won't use "illegals" to refer to illegal immigrants in his profound-ish columns! What's the big deal? Perhaps that he was using it left and right in his column the other day and everyone got mad at him for this? Indeed, it is so.

Rick Perry Is in Cahoots With the Mexicans

Jim Newell · 09/30/11 12:21PM

Mitt Romney is still pretending to be an immigration hawk for the purposes of destroying Rick Perry, who as Texas governor signed a law offering in-state tuition to children of illegal immigrants.

John McCain Blames Wildfires on Madcap Torch-Wielding Illegals

Jim Newell · 06/20/11 11:22AM

Arizona has been having some troubles again, this time with massive wildfires torching the already barren hellscape. You know why? Because it's a desert. All you need is, say, a golf club nicking a rock, or some other painfully simple action, and boom: death flames everywhere. Or you can just blame the illegal immigrants in their pyromanic fly-by-night encampments, as Sen. John McCain has.

Texas Will Crush You For Hiring Illegal Aliens, Unless They're Maids

Jim Newell · 03/03/11 06:04PM

A bill that's been introduced in the Texas state legislature would finally, at long last, put an end to illegal aliens taking American jobs. If any of you Texans think you can get away with hiring an "unauthorized alien" on the cheap, this bill would make that punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Is that clear enough? No hiring of illegals! Although there is one small loophole in the bill: "Unauthorized alien" domestic workers, like maids, caretakers, lawnboys, and so on, would still be totally legal to hire.

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor

Max Read · 04/27/10 03:29AM

[A concerned Arizona citizen has a helpful message for police trying to deal with the state's controversial new law giving police sweeping powers to detain anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. Image via early-onset-of-night]

NYU College Republicans To Play "Find The Illegal Immigrant"

Doree Shafrir · 02/20/07 05:43PM

Long despairing in the shadow of their Morningside Heights brethren, New York University students have, in recent years, made quite a name for themselves—both academically and extracurricularly! Today's announcement of an event sponsored by the College Republicans shows that the Washington Squareans have their uptown peers beat when it comes to original thought and making complicated geopolitical issues concrete.