
Hardline Anti-Immigration Reform Senator Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 02/28/16 06:12PM

On Sunday, Senator Jefferson (“Jeff”) Sessions endorsed Donald Trump during a campaign event in his home state of Alabama. Sessions is the upper chamber’s most strident opponent of immigration reform, and the first senator to endorse the billionaire real estate developer.

'It's a Simple Legal Reality': Why the Associated Press Is Sticking with the Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

Cord Jefferson · 10/19/12 06:22PM

In the face of mounting pressure from activist campaigns like "Drop the I-Word," the Associated Press announced today that it would continue using the term "illegal immigrants" in its immigration coverage if and when the situation calls for it. Drop the I-Word and its proponents—like journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, himself an illegal immigrant—argue that media outlets using the word "illegal" to describe people is a "racially charged" tactic that "confuses the immigration debate and fuels violence." Critics would rather newspapers and wire services use terms like "undocumented immigrant" or "unauthorized immigrant," instead. Despite those protestations, however, the AP appears to be resolute in its decision.

Illegal Immigration Slows Dramatically

Adrian Chen · 09/01/10 11:07PM

The number of immigrants entering the U.S. illegally dropped to 300,000 a year between March 2007 and 2009, down from 850,000 per year between 2000-2005. They took one look at the Pizza Burger and ran the other way.

No, Illegal Immigrants Do Not Kidnap and Behead Everyone in Arizona

Jim Newell · 07/09/10 03:30PM

If you have heard John McCain and Jan Brewer making hyperbolic claims of illegal immigrants kidnapping, murdering, raping, and beheading everyone and their brother in Arizona these days — their justification for the immigration law — then consider ignoring them?

The 2010 Census' Existential Crisis

Adrian Chen · 12/21/09 10:53PM

If only it were as simple to count everyone in America as "One, two... three hundred million." Nope. It's still about four months away, but the 2010 Census is already under attack by people wracked with existential angst.