
Race-Joking Obama Impersonator: GOP Loves Me

Maureen O'Connor · 06/20/11 11:32AM

Obama impersonator Reggie Brown says reports about his performance at the Republican Leadership Conference are wrong. The GOP loved his jokes about Obama's mom being a black-man-loving Kardashian! They yanked him off the stage only because he ran out of time:

Kari Ferrell Is Memetastic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/09 09:00AM

Hipster Grifter Kari Ferrell's old roommate says "She just texted me two days ago to talk about the Utah Jazz." And other fun facts! Oh and she already has a celebrity impersonator:

Saturday Night Live May Hire Jordan Carlos For Obama Gig!

Hamilton Nolan · 11/21/08 02:51PM

Big news on the Saturday Night Live Obama comedy crisis front: the show is auditioning several comedians who may take the Obama impersonation role from the workmanlike but not-so-funny Fred Armisen. And these new comedians are black, like Obama himself, coincidentally! And even more importantly, one of the contenders is reportedly our close personal friend Jordan Carlos, who already made his case for the role directly to Gawker readers! Three others are also in the running. But we really hope Jordan Carlos gets it, because then we are totally going to demand some free tickets for ourselves! And, of course, for you as well. We totally called it. Maybe. [Daily Beast]

mark · 08/08/07 01:55PM

This impersonator may not bear as strong a physical resemblence to Lindsay Lohan as the one from earlier today, but probably does a better job of capturing her spirit. [YouTube]