
Man Freaks Out After No One Thanks Him for Holding Door at In-N-Out

Jay Hathaway · 10/29/14 09:22AM

In-N-Out Burger employees in Redding, Calif., reportedly asked this Bible-carrying gentleman to stop holding the door open for customers and either buy something or leave. He chose a secret, off-menu option: Come into the store and explode in an Animal Style supernova of obnoxious rage.

cityfile · 11/23/09 05:43PM

• A list of restaurants that just opened or are opening shortly. [Eater, TONY]
• A peek around the East Side Social Club, which opens tonight. [TONY]
• Brunch is getting a boost thanks to the sour economy, apparently. [Time]
• The In-N-Out knockoff that opened last week is no In-N-Out, clearly. [AHT]
• If you're an alcoholic in search of a Thanksgiving meal, look no further. [NYP]
Martha Stewart says she has no beef with Rachael Ray. Phew! [EMD]

Eating & Drinking: Monday Edition

cityfile · 08/10/09 03:32PM

• The hot dog vendor in front of the Metropolitan Museum has been given the boot. Why, you ask? Shockingly, it seems he's been having some trouble coming up with the $53,558 he has to pay the city in rent each month. [NYDN]
• A roundup of restaurants that just opened, or will be open this week. [TONY]
• Frederick's Downtown closed last week; now Frederick Lesort's Eurotrashy Madison Avenue location has suffered the same fate, alas. [Eater]
• A former assistant to Tavern on the Green owner Jennifer LeRoy claims she was fired from the restaurant after she revealed she was pregnant. [NYP]
• The Wicked Wolf on First Avenue is closing to make way for a second 2nd Avenue Deli, which, once again, won't be on Second Ave. [Eater]
• Want to start your own food truck? It's not as easy as it looks. [GS]
• A few months ago, Gordon Ramsay's food empire was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy; now he reports he's in expansion mode once again. [WSJ]
• The favorite burger chain of leading chefs? In-N-Out, by a landslide. [GS]

Eating & Drinking: Thursday Edition

cityfile · 05/07/09 06:03PM

• A roundup of restaurants that just opened, or will be very shortly. [Eater]
• The U.S. struck a deal with the European Union and has agreed to drop its proposed tariff on things like Roquefort cheese and Spanish ham. [WSJ]
• A few more places to consider taking your mom for Mother's Day. [GS]
• A high school in Queens has opened a student-operated restaurant. [NYDN]
• Possibly NYC's cleanest (and priciest) butcher shop just opened. [GS]
• Wouldn't it be nice if In-N-Out came to New York? Keep dreaming. [TFB]

Is Childbirth On Jennifer Aniston’s Mind?

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/20/08 12:49PM

Click to A coy Jennifer Aniston quickly denied the claim that she had babies on the brain while waiting for a friend in a back alley. Aniston chuckled as she discovered the accidental thought bubble above her, saying, “Maybe I should stand underneath a sign that says 'Oscar winner,' or 'cheeseburger.'” [Photo Credit: X17] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Just Another Day In The Life For The Pivs

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/20/08 04:45PM

As a charter member of the Hollywood Welcome Wagon, Jeremy Piven did his best to welcome the city's newest resident on the set of Entourage. Piven listened intently as the woman explained her trials and tribulations in the big city of dreams and the differences here and back home in St. Paul, Minnesota. Piven confided to the woman that he also was a reformed midwesterner as well. Piven said, "After you have that first double-double from In-N-Out and watch the sunrise in Malibu and then get grossed out by a tranny on Santa Monica Blvd, you'll never want to go back there." Piven also slipped the woman his business card and said that the card would be for two free drinks at the Green Door on Thursday night.

Britney Prefers In-N-Out's 'Double Double' To Hospital Jello and Apple Juice

mollyf · 02/01/08 02:48PM

Ah, the In-N-Out. Referencing the famed burger chain makes us salivate just typing its name and, as it turns out, The Package (shocker!) feels the same way. United States Weekly reports that Brit, unimpressed (or just oblivious to) UCLA Med's appetizing, slightly-edible array of hospital-food-for-the-nutballs, ordered in a "double cheeseburger, fries and a drink" at around 4:42pm yesterday. Perhaps suffering from meth-induced hallucinations, our girl had manager Sam Lufti fetch the grub for her at rush hour's peak (as seen in the pic above), the greasy bag reportedly arriving in a quickspeed 21 minutes (In-N-Out! You never fail to astonish us.) One question, though: How exactly does someone manage to stuff themselves senseless while wearing a straitjacket?


Joshua Stein · 07/18/07 11:40AM

As Eater mentions, plutocrat magazine Departures recently ran a story on burgers in which it is written "Los Angeles burger haven In-N-Out is rumored to be planning a New York debut, but burgers have already taken the city by storm." Never has an independent introductory clause packed such a punch. Calls to In-N-Out corporate HQ weren't returned so we turned for guidance to In-N-Out's favorite book, the Bible.