
Gay Emory Student Dragged Out of Frat Party

Richard Lawson · 10/26/10 09:59AM

A student at Atlanta's Emory University claims he was pulled out of a frat party by the neck this weekend after he admitted to being gay. A fraternity member says it had more to do with the student's "wizard hat."

Philistine Hurls Water Bottle at Justin Bieber's Face

Richard Lawson · 08/09/10 10:49AM

At a recent radio concert, professional Day-of-the-Week underpants moistener Justin Bieber was talking to his adoring fans when one detractor decided to chuck a water bottle directly at his face. There is no reason to post this except, ha ha.

Clarence Thomas' Suicidal, Epileptic Nephew Punched, Tasered

Jim Newell · 07/09/10 01:21PM

Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas and family are "outraged" after his nephew was allegedly punched, pulled and tased at a New Orleans hospital, after a possible suicide attempt. The taser put him into a "massive epileptic seizure." Video below.