
Adam Weinstein · 02/10/14 03:58PM

Five of Guantanamo's worst "forever" detainees plan to open a Yemeni farm business consisting "of 200 families, 100 farmhouses, 10 cows, 500 chickens, 50 sheep, a honey bee subsidiary and computer system powered by windmills," maybe with Kickstarter capital. That is, if they ever see daylight again, obvs.

Here Is a List of Everyone Currently Rotting in Guantanamo Bay

Cord Jefferson · 06/17/13 05:14PM

Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the Miami Herald's Carol Rosenberg, the U.S. Department of Justice today released—with certain classified omissions—a list of its Guantanamo Bay detainees and their formerly shrouded detention statuses. The Herald reports that included on the list are 48 so-called "indefinite detainees," Guantanamo captives who remain imprisoned but ineligible for trial or transfer "pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (2001)."