
Obama Wins White House, According to 'Project Runway' Finale

Joshua David Stein · 03/06/08 09:53AM

Hey, it's me, Joshua David Stein. I'm back, briefly, really just this once, to talk about something very important to me: Project Runway, the Bravo television show whose finale was last night. I have lots to say about it but won't do so until after the jump. That's so I don't spoil anything for those who didn't manage to take the time out of their schedule to watch the episode when it aired even though that is kind of part of the sacrifice a true fan makes. I for instance blew a couple of deadlines for the chance to be present, albeit remotely, during one of the greatest contests of our time. (Sorry Graydon, Anna, and Remnick, those cover stories will be in tomorrow. I swear!) Bonus: Emotionally tumultuous video clip after the jump!

Economic indicator: Engineering talent going freelance

dtweney · 01/26/07 02:38PM

Are we in a bubble yet? One indicator: When there's a lot of demand for talent, the smartest talent goes freelance, because there's no upper limit to what you can charge when you're a consultant. Open-source programming guru Nat Torkington notes that many of his techy friends have done just that, presumably in search of $300 per hour IT consulting fees.. The flipside: when contractors start heading for the security of regular jobs, watch out.