Rare Baby Bunny Killed by Cameraman at Moment of Fame
Maureen O'Connor · 03/14/12 05:06PM
"The future looked so bright for tiny Til, a baby rabbit born without ears three weeks ago," Der Spiegel reports. For little Til was born in the east German town of Limbach-Oberfrohna, and Germans are a people known for their love of adorable mutants and pathetic baby animals. Like an earless, 8-year-old Lindsay Lohan from the family Leporidae, Til was destined for stardom.
Boat Dad on Throwing Kid Overboard: 'I Was Trying to Kill My Son'
Maureen O'Connor · 08/31/11 11:56AMThrowing your annoying kid off a barge isn't funny. Explaining why you threw your kid off a barge, however, is a great opportunity for jokes! Here is Sloan Briles, the Californian charged with felony child endangerment after throwing his 7-year-old off a sightseeing boat, explaining himself to a local news station.