
PC World steals ex-Infoworld editor

Paul Boutin · 09/09/08 04:20PM

Further proof that the print world isn't like the Internet: Eighteen years after he first took a job at monthly service mag PC World, Steve Fox has been brought back by magazine publisher IDG to replace outgoing editor and Internet hero Harry McCracken, whose Technologizer site is nearing an official launch. The unapologetically nuts-and-bolts PC World, with covers like "72 Ways to Make Software Do More," is generally considered the largest-circulation tech magazine in the world. It outsells both Wired and Fast Company by a small margin.No wonder the smarter-than-your-average-trade-journalist Fox returned from going-nowhere startup Affinity Labs, which he joined after helming fading star Infoworld, an IDG monthly for IT professionals that no longer publishes in print. How will Fox get modern computer enthusiasts, both excited and jaded by the Internet, to buy a magazine? Just a suggestion, Steve: "Summer Glau's 72 Ways to Terminate PC Problems"(Photo by Dealmaker Media)

Reviewer nearly kills self testing iPhone loaner, then loses it

Nicholas Carlson · 08/20/08 10:40AM

Credit InfoWorld's Tom Yager this: He's open with his failings. Perhaps too open. In his latest column "In memory of iPhone 3G," a review of Apple's mobile device, Yager writes, "Well, this is embarrassing but I might as well blurt it out: The iPhone 3G that Apple loaned to me was stolen." But Yager needn't fear Apple. They'll certainly let him test future devices after the warm review he gave this one. Instead, its the rest of us — or those of us that drive — that should fear Yager's testing method: