
Why Wall Street would be happy to work with Naveen Jain again

Jackson West · 05/30/08 04:20PM

Naveen Jain, InfoSpace's sole founder (and don't you forget it), is back in business and angling for another IPO with Bellevue, Wash.-based Intelius. The consumer-information broker's business practices are pretty scammy according to details unearthed by TechCrunch's Michael Arrington — and the unsavory parts of its business are the only ones growing appreciably. But where Arrington goes wrong is in thinking that news of the racket will dissuade investment bankers and traders from doing business with Jain.

Mary Jane Irwin · 02/01/08 06:55PM

Intelius, the obnoxious assembler of a cell-phone database, has shut down its online directory of over 90 million mobile numbers. Its official excuse: It's clear the market is still not ready. [MSNBC]

Intelius has your cell phone number — and is selling it

Mary Jane Irwin · 01/31/08 07:20PM

That mobile-phone barrier you've built between yourself and telemarketers is about to crumble. The nice chaps over at Intelius, who provide services like name, address, and Social Security number searches, are compiling an online mobile-phone directory they'll sell to anyone willing to pay them a measly $14.95 a number. They're operating on the philosophy that if you're willing to give your mobile number to the IRS or Domino's, you've opted in to an early-Saturday-morning game of phone tag with telemarketers. The dastardly sorts have ensured that the only way to get off the list is by faxing in a written request alongside an ID card. A fax machine: So low tech, it may just stop the Web 2.0 crowd in their tracks.