Comment of the Day: The Intelligent Design of Everything
Richard Lawson · 08/18/11 06:25PM
Today we found out that Rick Perry doesn't bother with the term "intelligent design." It's just good old Creationism for him. And evolution? That's a theory. Just a theory! What else is just a theory? One commenter explained.
Why Print Is Not Dead, Unintentionally Intelligent Design Edition
Moe · 08/25/08 11:46AM
The story about a Georgia school's struggle to teach evolution in Jesusland may be the most emailed story on the Times website right now, but you had to read it on paper to get the full experience. (Well, this time you can just click for our scan.)
He Learned It All At Chris Hitchens' Learning Annex Class
Pareene · 10/10/05 10:21AM
You know why Kurt Andersen is an in-demand cultural critic and you aren't? Because of the brilliant, against-the-grain thinking he demonstrates in columns like this one, a biting attack on "intelligent design."