
Samoa Jumps 24 Hours into the Future Tonight

Maureen O'Connor · 12/29/11 06:37PM

As promised, the island nations of Samoa and Tokelau will jump 24 hours into the future tonight, when the international date line is revised to facilitate Samoan trade with Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. (American Samoa will stay on Hawaii's side of the line.) When 18,600 Samoans and 1,500 Tokelauans go to bed tonight, it will be a Thursday. When they awake, it will be Saturday.

Entire Nation to Time-Travel in December

Max Read · 05/09/11 06:06PM

While our federal government continues to spend its taxpayers' money on useless things like the U.S. Senate, the Pacific island nation of Samoa is doing something awesome: Time-traveling. Into the future!