
3,000 Hours of TV News from 9/11 Is Now Online

Adrian Chen · 08/25/11 12:41PM

For the 10th anniversary of September 11th, the Internet Archive has relaunched its collection of 3,000 videos from 20 international news stations that broadcasted 24/7 during the week of 9/11. (It was first launched back in October 2011.) A lighthearted way to spend the weekend. [via BoingBoing]

Google launches vintage search index from 2001

Jackson West · 10/01/08 03:00AM

As part of Google's tenth anniversary, the company has partnered with the Internet Archive to offer a slice of the World Wide Web circa 2001 — the oldest available archive of the company's search index. Before the Paris Hilton sex tape, before lolcats, back when Google was just another search engine in the roster of the Dogpile metsearch engine from the University of Washington. Oh those bygone, innocent days. Of course, the first thing I did was look myself up to see what flotsam and jetsam of my "Web presence" washed up from the tides of the past.Thankfully, just a link to my personal domain when I was using it to house a proof-of-concept for an article on CNet's about SMIL — probably using a RealPlayer embed (good times). That said, the Internet Archive was watching the whole time, so feel free to mock my less-than-1337 skillz over the years. And please do share your own gaffes in the comments.

Gavin Newsom insinuates himself into latest San Francisco wireless Internet plan

Jackson West · 06/13/08 10:20AM

The San Francisco Examiner was kind enough to add a quote from visionary God-mayor Gavin Newsom to a short article about Meraki's plans to provide a few free wireless routers to San Francisco residents in order to create free Wi-Fi hotspots in San Francisco neighborhoods. "People act as relays and they are able to be receptors of sorts,” Newsom told the Ex — in a quote that Gavvy-Gave also could have used to describe the local hepatitis epidemic. Meraki's plans, however, won't spread hepatitis-fast:

Internet Archive refuses to secretly hand over user info to FBI

Jackson West · 05/08/08 03:00PM

With the help of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union, Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle successfully challenged an FBI request to secretly hand over information about the site's users. The FBI had sent Kahle a "national security letter" which requested personal information about a particular user and put Kahle under a gag order. Approximately 200,000 of the secret requests, which need no judicial approval, were issued between 2003 and 2006 after the NSL program was expanded by the Patriot Act. Kahle's case is one of only three the ACLU is aware of where NSL requests were successfully overturned in court. (Photo by David Silver)

Brewster Kahle's Internet Archive brings broadband to SF housing projects

Jackson West · 03/28/08 05:00PM

Mayor Gavin Newsom's office tried to garner good press by selling his efforts to bring free Wi-Fi to San Francisco as an effort to bring broadband to the poor, under the auspices of Project Tech Connect. Commercial partners Google and EarthLink just wanted to sell location-targeted ads with a franchise agreement to shut out competitors. Now Brewster Kahle's nonprofit Internet Archive has done what Newsom, Google and EarthLink couldn't. No, not hold yet another press conference. Kahle actually brought 100-megabit-per-second broadband to low-income households.