
Obama Won't Stop Until Every Classroom Has 'Internets'

Matt Cherette · 07/07/11 03:02AM

During President Obama's "Twitter Town Hall" at the White House today, we learned he has more in common with George W. Bush than just the desire to prolong various wars in the Middle East. Because like Bush—who once demanded that "there's Internets" in every classroom—Obama also has a propensity for unnecessary pluralization.

Google Chrome Assures Internet Explorer Users: 'It Gets Better'

Seth Abramovitch · 05/04/11 01:41AM

The browser wars are heating up again! Are there any seven unsexier words in the English language? Probably not. In any case, they are, what with Google launching an aggressive new TV campaign tonight. It's all fiendishly calculated to tug at your heartstrings while diverting eyeballs and mouse-clicks towards their Chrome.

Associated Press Drops Hyphen from "Email," finally

Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 02:54PM

Thank ever-loving Christ: The official AP stylebook has dropped the hyphen from "email." The AP will no longer write like your computer science teacher in 1997. Now maybe they can stop capitalizing Internet and the Web.

Inside Anonymous' Secret War Room

John Cook and Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 01:00PM

Dissident members of the internet hacktivist group Anonymous, tired of what they call the mob's "unpatriotic" ways, have provided law enforcement with chat logs of the group's leadership planning crimes, as well as what they say are key members' identities. They also gave them to us.

Internet Superstar Rebecca Black Talks "Friday" and Cyber Bullying on GMA

Madeleine Davies · 03/18/11 11:00AM

"Friday" singer Rebecca Black finally broke her legendary silence during an interview with Andrea Channing on today's GMA. Uh, Ms. Channing? Do you really think repeating mean Internet comments to a 13-year-old's face is a productive argument against cyber bullying?

What's Up With Today's Wave of Cyber Attacks?

Adrian Chen · 03/04/11 12:06AM

The world is going cyber crazy! The CIA's website is currently down, cutting off CIA personnel from their email. One of the Internet's largest blogging platforms ground to a halt after a massive cyberattack this morning, and South Korean government websites are currently buckling under their own attacks. Is it the Cyberocalypse?

Guy Talks About Internet Civility Over a Slideshow of YouTube Comments

Preksha Kumar · 03/01/11 05:10PM

"Internet Enthusiast" John Allen talks about the unusual civility he encounters online... in 1993. Well, of course someone had to superimpose his naive speech over nasty youtube comments. Lesson learned. Never overestimate people's ability to be nice online.

Watch a Russian Man ROFL In Real Life

Kristina Grosspietsch · 01/31/11 01:28PM

After seeing his grandson's new haircut, this Russian man doesn't just type ROFL, he literally rolls on the floor laughing for a full two minutes. See Internet acronyms come to life!

Watch Mark Zuckerberg's Awkward SNL Cameo

Matt Cherette · 01/29/11 11:54PM

During host Jesse Eisenberg's monologue on tonight's Saturday Night Live, the Social Network star was surprised on stage by Andy Samberg-as-Mark Zuckerberg. But that wasn't all—shortly thereafter, the *real* Mark Zuckerberg showed up... and it was incredibly awkward!

Katie Couric: "Can You Explain What Internet Is?"

Matt Cherette · 01/28/11 05:15PM

Here's a recently re-discovered oldie—and goodie!—to show how far technology has come in the last two decades. Watch this Today Show clip from 1994, featuring Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel's complete confusion about what, exactly, the Internet is.